God, teaches God’s kids truth, about his love for all first. It is done by Son for new life in God’s spirit and truth. Everyone comes to see its truth, God did it, being under Law to do it is over. Son completed it< fulfilled it done once for everyone. Hebrews 10:10, to choose to believe God, in Son Jesus he took away all sin on that cross once for everyone ever born of flesh and blood. That got done in his willing crucifixion. Is risen, where new life is given period.
‘everyone has their day of epiphany in seeing consciously what got done.
left with to choose, decide, what to do with it.
just as any tree is always identified by it’s fruit, so is every person. Just observe, and see the fruit, if there is any fruit.
‘now be wise to it and remain harmless as a dove in it. Not easy when wise to it to remain harmless
do not pull out the weeds, because you might harm the wheat
jesus returns and starts reaping. A pastor says hey there, did, you see what I have done?
and might hear, go away, I do not know you. What? That pastor says< but I have done.
then hears you work iniquity, you do not glory in your need(s) you use people for your own self gain. But many have come to believe you through me have they not He/she says?
God then replies, yet your motive has been the wrong motive, and so now you pay< knowing the truth and not appreciating it.
‘there will be the gnashing of teeth happening one day. As their will be not one person with excuse that will ever be valid
all will know as all will have chose, then will go as chosen to go, righteously so, by God Father and Son
‘me, I see to be content in all things, rich or poor, sad or happy presently, in thanksgiving and praise never having any intent for any self gain. Which God and each person personally know between God and them, ,and will be accountable for Themselves. No excuse. We are all first born with the truth of what is truly good and what is evil. We all know, Thank you
so, choose, thank you