Needing prayer for myself because I am too angry to pray for myself right now. Going through things and just fed up
Hi. I understand. I am going through the most painful time in my life. I've never cried so much or had to pray so hard for God to take away the anger and unforgivness. He does though. I haven't had to deal with this much before, but I am doing what always works. I stay close to God and pray non stop. Every time I feel rage coming on I bind the Spirit of rage. I bind the Spirit of unforgivness. I bind the Spirit of wrath. Whatever it is the devil is trying to make me give in to, I give it God. Normally this takes me minutes as I have been practicing for years. But at this time sometimes it takes me hours, and days of non stop praying and binding and asking God to give me his peace. But he always does, always. You are in a battle and God is the victory for you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Look up your favorite pastor on YouTube talking about anger, they will pray with you about it and give you good verses. And I will pray for you. God bless you with peace in your heart and calm in your soul and a sound mind that is Christ like, and closeness to the Lord it's in Jesus name I pray Amen. The more you pray and stay close to God the better you will feel. The quicker you repent of anger wrath and pride the easier it is to get rid of. That's why we are supposed to resist the devil on his onset. You stop him before he gets you wriled up. I hope this helps.