Sounds like the false prophet stuff I heard before. I’m having a hard time seeing Musk turning super religious, than giving false prophecies.
You can speculate, if you want, but this seems like the odds are way low.
The vatican has been giving false doctrines and teachings for centuries, so he/they might have a slight higher probability in fulfilling this idea of the false prophet.
King Charles literally is claiming Jewish blood, has a royal position, head of the protestant church, is a king over many nations, and rules the country with strong Israel connections.
Francis is the leader of the Catholic Church, if there ever was a church that has done satan’s work, that would be the one. Read the Foxes book of Martyrs, Spanish Inquistion, and etc for more information. The Catholic Church and Hitler/Nazis literally had an agreement called, the concordat.
If you are just trying to keep up to date, that’s fine, but I think most would agree, Musk doesn’t really fit the mold. Just my two cents.
Oh no, I think I’m hearing the twilight zone theme song now. lol