Why do people think the religion they were born into is true and trumps all the other religions of the world?
Plenty of people do think that (atheists included

), but that doesn't mean that they're right. Conversions to different religions happen every day.
For myself, I don't follow Jesus because I was raised that way; I follow Him because He's the Way, Truth, Life, .........and my Best Friend. I literally can not imagine life without Him.
There's nothing wrong with questioning the religion you were born into. I do not look down on those who don't believe as I do. But.......if I see someone chewing on a hunk of dryer-lint, wouldn't it be sorta lousy for me to not tell them where to get some free ice-cream?
Welcome to the site, btw. I will certainly pray for you

. Don't worry about Santa's deception, though......he was clearly a false prophet.