The word of God said,he who found a wife,finds a good thing and obtains favour from God.SO MY BROTHER,DO NOT BE AFRAID OF BEEN ENTANGLED BY A WOMAN. But remember,The Word of God made us to understand,there is TIME for everything.When you got to the stage of getting into relationship that will eventually end up in marriage,GOD will let u know,is time for it. He said,in his word,we should not rely upon our ways,that we should acknowlege Him and He will direct our paths.GOD knows that loneliness is a devil workshop,HE WILL NEVER ALLOW YOU TO BE LONELY. BRETHREN,LET US WAIT UPON THE LORD,ALWAYS BE JOYFUL AND PRAY WITHOUT CEASING,DON'T QUENCH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND BE CAREFUL FOR NOTHING;BUT IN EVERYTHING BY PRAYER AND SUPPLICATION WITH THANKSGIVING LET YOUR REQUESTS BE MADE KNOWN UNTO GOD.GOD BLESS!!!