Moral Courage or Foolishness? Ukraine.

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Senior Member
Oct 6, 2011
I can see your point here. You distrust everyone. Fine with me.

Mogę sobie mówić, co chcę. Do Ciebie przecież i tak nie dociera a ja nie zamierzam udowadniać losowej osobie w internecie, że jestem Polakiem. Z resztą i tak pewnie zostanie to uznane za wykorzystanie tłumacza google więc tym mniej w tym sensu.

Question is why Soros and Biden say Putin must be stopped? If you asked me I'd say because of a conflict of interests but not on a moral ground (or in a smaller scale) but mostly because of financial interest.

It's OBVIOUS that the more countries are in NATO, the better for the USA and the worse for Russia. But does it mean we should accept Russia taking Ukraine by force to weaken the USA? That's ridiculous. No, that's preposterous because it means we gladly consent to leave helpless people be terrorized, starved to death and humiliated for not being obedient to Matuszka Rasija.

I'm not into politics, I'm into helping people and seeing how power-hunger is putin gives me even stronger will against his actions. I suggest you to stop seeing enemies everywhere - I may be a fairly fresh member of ChristianChat but I didn't join here because of the Russian agression - I joined because I wanted to meet other people of faith. Of course you'll probably call it a lie but I couldn't care less than right now knowing I cannot prove anything with my words only.

Tell them what happens when you mix yellow and blue or what Zelensky means if you translate it from Polish,Ukrainian or Russian...


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2021
Pacific NW USA
My father, in WW2, chose to help in the medical corp of the war but not to fight and kill. As the Body of Christ we are NOT part of Israel or the nations. They have a different purpose than us - earthly. We have a heavenly one. We do not belong to any nation but are pilgrims passing through. nations will continue to fight wars till the Lord comes and judges them.

All nations are self serving and not of God`s righteous ways.

The World System.

Christ does not battle with guns and tanks as man does, but reveals His righteous rulership through a body of believers who will stand against the enemy and his deceptions.

`For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.` (Eph. 6: 12)

Principalities, Powers, rulers of the darkness and spiritual wickedness, are all in array against the Body of Christ. They operate through this present darkness of man separated from God and through the system man has formed in the world to promote man`s selfish desires and ambitions.

`This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing will be there.` (James 3: 15 & 15)

This World System is dominated by the prevalence of sin with its own methods, manners, customs, fashions and laws.

This System operates apart from God and offers position, possession and power, (authority) to those who serve its interests.

Thus mankind in rebellion against God and controlled by demonic influences, are in darkness. This is a darkness of their minds which is self - seeking and foolish.

`...although they (man) knew God they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.` (Rom. 1: 21)
A lot of Christians have been pacifists, particularly in times when the government is hopelessly corrupt or pagan. But Israel was a nation of God and called to fight in the land of Canaan and against pagan enemies. There have also been many Christian nations who fought just wars. I completely disagree with you.


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
So where are you from? Russia or Iran?
There's a third alternative -- Chechnya. I am shocked that Chechens would be willing to fight for Putin (if the news items are true). I believe they wanted to send 40,000 troops to help the Russkies.


Senior Member
May 24, 2014
Putin is not in charge in the Ukraine situation. But how far should NATO go? We don't want WW3, but it may be inevitable at some point in history. Can we speed this along, or must it happen only in God's time? Should we be afraid of precipitating WW3, or being that it is in God's domain, should we just do the right thing regardless? No Fly zone? Active military participation in Ukraine. Secret military involvement?
How about just letting God take care of it and focusing on bringing in the sheaves.


Senior Member
May 24, 2014
Israel was a nation of God and called to fight in the land of Canaan and against pagan enemies.
We are not called to fight in physical warfare like Israel was in the OT. Let's redirect our energy and zeal towards the salvation of eternal souls. God is quite capable of taking care of the rest.

2 Corinthians
10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


Methinks the Bidens want something kept Hunter's half-ownership of a Ukrainian biolab.
Oops! Look at this shiny thing over there!


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2021
A lot of Christians have been pacifists, particularly in times when the government is hopelessly corrupt or pagan. But Israel was a nation of God and called to fight in the land of Canaan and against pagan enemies. There have also been many Christian nations who fought just wars. I completely disagree with you.
Feel free to disagree with me. I'm ex military. I would not encourage anyone to take up arms. By all means get involved as a non combatant. It's only issue that I agree with JW's on.

My problem is if a Christian is shooting, his target could be another Christian. War is man's business, not God's. Our God is a God of peace. God's dealings with Israel in the OT were unique to Israel. His ways with Israel cannot be applied to the world system of today.

I spent a very long time mulling over this issue. I respect the point of view of those who differ.


Senior Member
May 24, 2014
War is man's business, not God's.
I agree with some of what you said, but not this^. I would say that war is God's business, not ours.

12:17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
12:20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2013
A difficult issue. Private Jackson quoting mostly King David in Psalms while in battle:



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2021
A lot of this Russia/Ukraine conflict is steeped in racism. Not exactly the racism that we Westerners recognize. But between the people groups that Comprise Russia vx Ukraine.
That and the resources that Russia wants from Ukraine.
And they aren't going to get along anytime soon...there's never going to be any trust of Russia in Ukraine. Or by any of the former Soviet block nations. They will be resistant always. The long standing history between the two areas and abuses by Russia will only cement the division.

Get used to the idea. It's like Kurds and Iran... Palestinian and Israelis; they are not going to get along.

This is where a nation with five times the military power and might is going to be slapped around by a little nation. And the whole world is watching.


Senior Member
May 24, 2014
A difficult issue. Private Jackson quoting mostly King David in Psalms while in battle:

I found that to be both blasphemous and disgusting, but neither difficult nor entertaining. We know what our high calling is, and we know that shooting our fellow man is far-far from it.

We are not King David and we do not live in the OT. King David was forbidden to build. We are called to be builders.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2013
I found that to be both blasphemous and disgusting, but neither difficult nor entertaining. We know what our high calling is, and we know that shooting our fellow man is far-far from it.

We are not King David and we do not live in the OT. King David was forbidden to build. We are called to be builders.
Well, you can find it to be whatever you want.

Interesting that you have the freedom to say that because of men like that.

I'd recommend watching this whole movie. Sergeant York was a WW1 hero who killed or captured a whole german battalion. Here is his conversion. Kinda insulting for you to demean men like him:



Well-known member
Jan 14, 2021
Pacific NW USA
Feel free to disagree with me. I'm ex military. I would not encourage anyone to take up arms. By all means get involved as a non combatant. It's only issue that I agree with JW's on.

My problem is if a Christian is shooting, his target could be another Christian. War is man's business, not God's. Our God is a God of peace. God's dealings with Israel in the OT were unique to Israel. His ways with Israel cannot be applied to the world system of today.

I spent a very long time mulling over this issue. I respect the point of view of those who differ.
Fair enough. I respect your view too. I just strongly disagree for the reasons I mentioned. Yes, international conflict brings pressure to bear on the conscience, and difficult situations like Christian vs. Christian. But that is the nature of war.

I don't agree that what God did with Israel's battles is unique to Israel. That goes against the sense that God is unchangeable in His character, and against the notion, in the NT, that Israel became a model to the Church. (1 Cor 10.6)

If the OT Scriptures is our Bible, and not just the Jewish Bible, then we need to apply national principles, and not just principles that apply to religious minorities. It depends on the time and circumstance, and on how conflicted our nation may be religiously.

The issue can never be, How perfect is our nation? That just isn't going to happen. But when aggressor nations attack our country, we do need to pull together as citizens of our own country to defend ourselves.

It is certainly a different issue when we have an all-voluntary military and engage in overseas wars that may be questionable. I don't, for example, believe in pursuing "nation building.* However, neither would I think that is necessarily evil, when our end-game is to liberate the citizens of other countries who need protection, eg Ukraine.
Aug 2, 2021
Putin is not in charge in the Ukraine situation. But how far should NATO go? We don't want WW3, but it may be inevitable at some point in history. Can we speed this along, or must it happen only in God's time? Should we be afraid of precipitating WW3, or being that it is in God's domain, should we just do the right thing regardless? No Fly zone? Active military participation in Ukraine. Secret military involvement?
We are witnessing the beginning of Zechariah ch14


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2021
Pacific NW USA
We are witnessing the beginning of Zechariah ch14
I think we've already been experiencing that for some time. Israel defends itself from the countries all around it--that's been happening since 1948!

But yes, the plot thickens. I have my own unique take on what's happening in Ukraine. I think the development of the Roman Imperial Tradition to a Federated States System has been happening for centuries now--it's part of modern evolution in politics.

Russia is the monolithic imperial structure attacking a brother independent State. I think Putin will lose this cause over the long run, because prophecy has dictated that the Feet of the Great Image in Dan 2 consist of 10 Toes, ie federated states, and not on monolithic set of Legs.

But when Antichrist comes he will re-united the old monolithic Imperial System until his demise at the Return of Christ.

I do consider it possible that after all this goes down, Russia may join in with the European Community. But Putin will have to go if this is to happen. When Europe unites as a whole, it will become an unimaginable power-house, particularly if it includes Russia and the US. Asian countries will be successfully marginalized.

This is, I think, the endtimes scenario, with Kings from the East going to Armageddon in Israel, where perhaps the Antichrist Confederation will be located. It's all speculative at this point.
Aug 2, 2021
I think we've already been experiencing that for some time. Israel defends itself from the countries all around it--that's been happening since 1948!

But yes, the plot thickens. I have my own unique take on what's happening in Ukraine. I think the development of the Roman Imperial Tradition to a Federated States System has been happening for centuries now--it's part of modern evolution in politics.

Russia is the monolithic imperial structure attacking a brother independent State. I think Putin will lose this cause over the long run, because prophecy has dictated that the Feet of the Great Image in Dan 2 consist of 10 Toes, ie federated states, and not on monolithic set of Legs.

But when Antichrist comes he will re-united the old monolithic Imperial System until his demise at the Return of Christ.

I do consider it possible that after all this goes down, Russia may join in with the European Community. But Putin will have to go if this is to happen. When Europe unites as a whole, it will become an unimaginable power-house, particularly if it includes Russia and the US. Asian countries will be successfully marginalized.

This is, I think, the endtimes scenario, with Kings from the East going to Armageddon in Israel, where perhaps the Antichrist Confederation will be located. It's all speculative at this point.
Thank you for the update.
Zech 14 is clear that God is going to judge Israel thru the nations(as HE has done before) and HE will judge the nations at the same time.
Matt 24:32 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2022
I dont like/trust the Ukraine I dont like or trust Putin .

Did the USA add funding to the laabs in China? Where the covid control came from?
If Russia was my country i would not want USA backed labs on my border .
Dont forget our President gave Putin the funds to fight this ugliness when he shout down our pipe line.
Odd how the NYP says Hunters lap top showing, the corruption between Biden and the Ukraine, gets released in time of war . Along with the creepy ,criminal sex habits of that family.
War does not always have a good guy warring with a bad guy . Sorta like the Crypts and Bloods at each other.

USA we need to clean up our house.

2Ch_7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2021
Pacific NW USA
Thank you for the update.
Zech 14 is clear that God is going to judge Israel thru the nations(as HE has done before) and HE will judge the nations at the same time.
Matt 24:32 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!
Well, not really an update, just an exercise in educated speculation. Such views for me are always open to correction, as more information comes in. ;)
Aug 2, 2021
Well, not really an update, just an exercise in educated speculation. Such views for me are always open to correction, as more information comes in. ;)
I love that you say "educated speculation" and "always open as more info comes in."

Keep me in touch - Thanks again