Your poor Mum! Headaches & migraines are just horrid things.
Does she get them often? Has she had any scans or investigations done? Tell her to take Paracetamol/Panadol/Tylenol & Ibuprofen together to try & get rid of it, (always follow dosing instructions on the packet & don't take if allergic). They work together better.
Get her to also just drink lots of water (cut out tea, coffee, soft drinks etc) to see if that helps. A cool, damp cloth on the forehead & a dim room helps too.
My prayer for your Mum:
Dear loving Father, please look upon Gemmy's Mum & help her headache to go away, and to lessen the pain. Please help lessen these migraines so that she is no longer bothered by them. Amen.
Let us know how she is won't you