Christ is the Chief Justice of Heaven`s supreme court. His decisions are final and beyond His verdict there is no other court of appeal. He exercises the final prerogative that is essential to judgeship; He is able to kill and to make alive.
The prophet Daniel gives a good description of the heavenly court about the pass judgment upon the final Gentile world system.
`I kept looking until thrones were placed ...with the Judge,
and the Ancient of days took His seat,
Whose garment was white as snow and the hair on His head like pure wool.
His throne was like a fiery flame; its wheels were burning fire.
A stream of fire came forth from before Him;
a thousand thousands ministered to Him
and ten thousand times ten thousand rose up and stood before Him;
the Judge was seated the court was in session...`
(Dan. 7: 10 AMP)
How awesome the sight of the Ancient of days on His fiery throne with untold millions of angels before Him. This is the time when God will bring forth the judgments upon a sinful, rebellious world and it is the Son in whom the Father has committed this duty.
`For the Father judges no one,
but has committed all judgment to the Son,...`
(John 5: 22)
The main official duty required of a judge is to act discreetly, wisely and justly in all decisions made. Thus we hear those who have overcome the beast, his image and his mark, singing –
`Just and true are Your ways,
O King of the Nations!
....For Your judgments have been manifested.`
(Rev. 15: 3 & 4)
So now as we further study the book of Revelation we will see Christ revealed to us as not only King over the nations but their Judge, executing the judgments of God upon them.
Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, the world`s armies, all are dealt with by the righteous Judge. But for those who turn to the `Lamb,` the one slain for them, they will be those who had victory over the beast, and receive life everlasting.
Christ is the Chief Justice of Heaven`s supreme court. His decisions are final and beyond His verdict there is no other court of appeal. He exercises the final prerogative that is essential to judgeship; He is able to kill and to make alive.
The prophet Daniel gives a good description of the heavenly court about the pass judgment upon the final Gentile world system.
`I kept looking until thrones were placed ...with the Judge,
and the Ancient of days took His seat,
Whose garment was white as snow and the hair on His head like pure wool.
His throne was like a fiery flame; its wheels were burning fire.
A stream of fire came forth from before Him;
a thousand thousands ministered to Him
and ten thousand times ten thousand rose up and stood before Him;
the Judge was seated the court was in session...`
(Dan. 7: 10 AMP)
How awesome the sight of the Ancient of days on His fiery throne with untold millions of angels before Him. This is the time when God will bring forth the judgments upon a sinful, rebellious world and it is the Son in whom the Father has committed this duty.
`For the Father judges no one,
but has committed all judgment to the Son,...`
(John 5: 22)
The main official duty required of a judge is to act discreetly, wisely and justly in all decisions made. Thus we hear those who have overcome the beast, his image and his mark, singing –
`Just and true are Your ways,
O King of the Nations!
....For Your judgments have been manifested.`
(Rev. 15: 3 & 4)
So now as we further study the book of Revelation we will see Christ revealed to us as not only King over the nations but their Judge, executing the judgments of God upon them.
Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, the world`s armies, all are dealt with by the righteous Judge. But for those who turn to the `Lamb,` the one slain for them, they will be those who had victory over the beast, and receive life everlasting.