Come on, LT, this has been answered. But, hey, I was about to look up the other thread for a post and I'll do it here instead.

We are under no command to keep sabbath, on any day. He surely does tell us to rest, but the day is our choice. I tell you a little story, about this. I went to a pentecostal church that believed in tithes, and when it came time, the pastor asked for testimony. A woman stood and said she had this on her mind: "I have been thinking, we tithe a tenth of our income, and I think we should tithe a tenth of our time to God too". Well the whole congregation nodded in agreement, and praises and amens were heard. I was astonished. That isn't what God wants from us. He wants all of us. We better be serving Him 24/7. We have to be examples to people all the time, not part of the time. The preacher was a customer of mine, and I cornered him after the service. He agreed with me, but he didn't clear it up for the congregation.
God was very clear about these things, yet people still keep putting themselves in slavery, which is what keeping the law is.
I must admit, I will never understand the outright rejection by some of the wonderful sacrifice Christ made for us.
Exodus 31: