Melita I wanted to tell u a story for nearly a week
A true story...but I put off telling you because I felt guilty in my heart for a thought I had at church. I asked God to forgive me. My heart didnt mean it. But story was.
Im new still at this church. Kinda shy so I sit in the back for now. Lol
Last Sunday morning the cutest little woman I ever seen...asked to sing for us.
Now far away she had your hair your glasses.
My mouth dropped open..I thought Lord that looks like Melita up on stage
Well heres where I asked God forgive me
When she started to sing
Her voice was so terrible I mean literally good Christians in the church...was fanning there face like it was hot or something. Some flipped through the bible like they was reading lol. Im serious people was doin odd little things. To distract themselves from the womens terrible singing. It was worse than nails on a chalkboard.
I felt so bad for thinking this. I was like Oh God forgive me but she hurts our ears.
Point is
I saw a cute girl that looked like u at church
But pfewww...she didnt sing like you.
God forgive me lol
Im sure he did. He likely forgave the whole church for my thoughts. Mercy mercy