Until you get MS a can't then what?
Then you rely on GOD to be your strength, and you rely on HIM to help you.

Last year when I had a herniated disk and sciatica in my left leg, I was in the most agonizing, crippling pain imaginable. I could not move at all with my own strength. My ONLY physical relief came when I was laying down and not moving. Whenever I had to pee, I had 2 choices, lay in bed and pee myself so I wouldn't have to endure the agony of getting up, OR call on God to help me get up. I'm proud to say I never once peed the bed, and ALWAYS made it to the bathroom in time.
I am all alone here at home, I only had my cat here to comfort me during all that. Now I don't even have her, because she went to meet Jesus in March. No one came here to help me do stuff, such as dishes or taking out my trash. I had to bear the agony of doing it myself, HOPING I wouldn't collapse until I was back in the house. I would always say "Lord please get me to the dumpster/mailbox/wherever in one piece". And sure enough, despite the hellish agony, He always got me home without collapsing.
I don't know much about MS, or what your situation is Robby. I DO know for sure that a positive attitude, and reliance on God WILL get you through it all. If it didn't, I wouldn't be alive today and that's a fact. Your situation is what you make of it, and how you use it to glorify God. May I suggest you read the threads in my signature?