So the selling of our home update.... We were supposed to close on the 30th of October but it was moved to November 12th due to buyers lender needing more paper work....
We still are going to be homeless at this point and I am still praying that God will lead us to a home we can afford with a mountain view or a rental that we can be in for a few months. At this point any address will do as it is a little scary not knowing where you are going.
Learning to trust in God to lead the way and not go mad at the same time... I ask myself why am I so impatient? Why does God always seem to wait till the very last second to pull of the miracle?
The most recent one of those was just a couple of weeks ago... you see Tourist made a bit more money last year than the social security people will allow when you aren't quite full retirement age so they take away a dollar for every one you make over a certain amount... They have withheld his SS check for the last three months and we do use the money toward bills and food like most households do and we were prepared to make it work for the three months... Then we find out that they are not only going to take what 2019 tax results showed but they are projecting 2020 earnings and informed us they would keep not sending the SS check until Feb 2021...
This we were not prepared for and while selling our home there are other costs like moving furniture to another state quite expensive I might add... and travel money for gas and hotels to get from Florida to Tennessee you know things like that... Also upon our leaving the state Tourist will loose the pay we weekly received from his job as you can't go to work everyday in FL from TN...
Now the miracle... Just when I was wondering how we were going to pay our bills as it has been tight without the SS... Tourist got a $4.00 an hour increase in incentive pay the very same week they paid him his vacation pay so we got two weeks of pay at the increased rate and this is suppose to continue until the end of the year. Now it doesn't totally make up for the loss of the SS check but it certainly helped when I was concerned that we might start getting behind... So God is good and he came through just in time right when we needed it. I praise and give thanks to Him...
So I do trust that we soon will have an address and a place to land in Tennessee. I am working with a very nice Realtor named Natasha on the TN side and she is sending me homes for sale and we talk frequently on strategies plus she is also reaching out to try and find rental property in case we don't find a home right away short term 3 to 6 months for us so it does ease some of the pressure having and knowing someone is helping me on the TN side and I know God knows what is best for us and where He wants us to end up.
So just wanted to share my thoughts with you and also request continued prayers to help us in this transition. I do look forward to my beautiful mountain view even if we end up in a home that needs a little fixing... I know how to paint and do quite a few things to make improvements and I also look forward to a less expensive mortgage payment....Thanks for your prayers in advance....
thanks for sharing your up-date, JL -
so lovely to hear how so many loose-strings are being taken care of
by our Best Friend!
this sure keeps the blessing of HOPE alive and well within us, in any circumstance...
GBY both,
and please keep us all 'up-dated' along and along,