If God puts someone on your heart... tell them . There's been many times I needed to hear it at exactly the moment it was told to me. I love all you guys and girls
God will put someone on my heart a lot of times through dreams. I don't remember my dreams very often, there will be nights, like 2-4 nights in a row I'll remember one dream, then for a while I won't have any more. The dreams I'll remember usually NEVER involve people I talk to regularly or I'm around regularly.
Anyways, when I remember my dreams, and there's someone I know and talk to that's in it, it's usually undeniably God. Sometimes I try to wait it out, but it usually doesn't help my case a whole lot. (And sometimes I'm nervous to say to someone, "Hey...I dreamed about you..." because it's like, "WELL, that's not creepy."

) The whole dreaming stuff is one tricky business to be in. lol Though God's always helped me and when I did get the courage to message people, by the grace of God, I contacted them in time.
While I haven't had any dreams with you in it yet, I love you Pipp. I'm SO glad you got the encouragement you needed. Also, don't be afraid to PM me and ask me for prayer if you need it!