Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
He has several "proofs" that the rapture takes place during the Feast of Trumpets.

1. No one knows the day or the hour is an idiom that refers to the Feast of Trumpets.

This is true however, this is only used in Mark and Matthew, it is not at all clear that Jesus is referring to the rapture and the book of Luke is the book that refers to the pre tribulation rapture and Jesus doesn't use that expression. Instead He says it is at an hour you don't know or don't expect.

2. On the Feast of Trumpets they sound the trumpets 100 times and the last trumpet blast is called "the last trump".

This is also true. The problem is that these are not "the trump of God" but of man. I subscribe to a very different interpretation. Shavuot was when God descended with the trump of God and the description is very similar to the picture in Hebrews 12 which is about the rapture. The thought is that that was the "first Trump of God" and the Last Trump is "the last Trump of God". These represent the two horns of the ram that Abraham sacrificed instead of Isaac.

The other problem with this interpretation is that the trumpet blasts on the FOT are supposed to remind God in judgement to remember mercy. That seems much more appropriate for the sleeping saints who are awaken to be blowing that trumpet whereas the trumpet that awakens the dead would be to signal the glory of God.

That said I think it makes perfect sense that this "last trump" would take place right before FOT to waken the church up and since they have been left behind for them to cry out for mercy.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Romans 15:20 Thus my ambition has been to preach the Gospel, not where Christ’s name has already been known, lest I build on another man’s foundation;

I realized a lot of people talk about the rapture but it seems their whole focus is on when it will be. That seemed stupid to me since we are told specifically that we don't know the day or the hour. As a result it seems many other Christians avoid the topic altogether. Then there are many others that say it is not Biblical.

I wanted to do something different, view the rapture as "the day of our redemption" when our bodies are redeemed. But I felt the biggest burden was to help all believers see that the rapture is part of the Bible. Hence Bible references concerning the rapture.

I take a very broad view of the rapture, so whereas the focus on when it is to me is like focusing on what day the exam will be, my focus is more on the exam itself. The Bema judgement is likened to when they award the gold medals at the olympics. It is a judgement. Now if you were preparing for the olympics would you be more concerned about what you need to do to win gold or about what day and time the award ceremony is going to be? In the same way my concern is about who will be raptured, why they will be raptured, and what we need to know before the rapture so succeed.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Psalm 91 -- A prayer for when things get crazy.

1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” 3 Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.

Be careful these protests are a fowler’s snare and a response to a fowler’s snare. Brionna Taylor was caught in a fowler’s snare. The cancel culture is a fowler’s snare. On the other hand the Pandemic is a deadly pestilence. The Lord will save us from these.

4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 5 You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

This is a promise to those who find shelter in the Most High. I'm not worried about the pandemic and all the fear mongering, everyday the Lord is my shield.

8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. 9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10 no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

We are going to be spectators. I am watching what is going on, I have gone to rallies and protest marches, but I have been well guarded.

13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 14 “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

Again, the promise is that if you call on Jesus He will be with you in trouble, He will deliver you and honor you. He will show you His salvation. We see the danger approaching what should we do? Focus on the Lord as your high tower, as your refuge, as the one you love and call on. You would have to be a total fool to think Biden was going to save you, there is only one savior and His name is Jesus!


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

German climatologist Dieter Gerten told National Geographic that the increase in “extreme events” is “something we’ve seen in climate model projections.” He was, however, still shocked by the scale of the flooding in Germany, where his hometown of Oberkail was also affected.

“I am surprised by how far it is above the previous record,” Gerten, a professor of global change climatology and hydrology at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, said.

Computer models suggest records will be broken much more frequently and in more places around the globe.

I would argue that they have confirmation bias. If they are honest even the most extreme climate models did not predict this. What is happening is far more extreme and more frequent than any models predicted. Now please note for years the models were predicting stuff that never happened like Florida being underwater by 2000. So if we are to believe this the models for several decades were far more extreme than reality and yet now all of a sudden in one year the events are far more extreme than even the most extreme models predict. Wake up.

You have to believe in coincidences to think that the at the same time all this "climate change" takes place the Earth's axis of rotation begins to wobble extremely, magnetic field weakens, Earthquakes take off, meteor sightings are completely off the charts, and Schumann Resonance is completely off the charts.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Here is another person giving a very nice summary at some key events taking place today.



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Here is another person giving a very nice summary at some key events taking place today.

3 Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.

I find this verse amazing, because think of what it is saying, if you wake up at the end of the age then you will know at what time the Lord will come to us. There are Christians all over the world, how could this be? But this is what is happening, as soon as Christians begin to wake up they begin to search out the internet and the Bible and very quickly they will come in contact with other Christians who are awake and very soon you will be clued in. It isn't hard, you read the comments during a live feed and people will refer to other sites, soon you find someone like Ken Potter who invites a whole variety of different watchmen. You can go to his site and go through all his videos so even if you came to the party late you can catch up pretty quickly. Likewise, many of these others will refer to the various teachers that have helped them. You could wake up on a Monday and by the next Monday you have found 20+ sites that are focused on the Lord's coming.

I don't think there is another time in the last 2,000 years where this prophecy could have been fulfilled. True, if you lived in London or NYC and were near a very good library it would have been similar, but today all you need is a connection to the internet, you can be in Indonesia or Senegal or Mauritania, doesn't matter.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
An amazing twist on a verse we are all familiar with



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

I post this simply because of the documented fact about the magnetic pole shift. They understand that this is apocalyptic. It also points out there is a confirmation bias where everyone assumes what we are seeing is climate change due to fossil fuel consumption.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Romans 11:1-10 Let their banquet table become a snare and a trap

1 I ask then: Has God totally rejected and disowned His people? Of course not! Why, I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, a member of the tribe of Benjamin!

Paul was preaching the gospel to the gentiles, he was teaching that the cross of Christ was the real circumcision, and that the things that happened in the Old Testament were types and shadows for us today. All of that is true and yet God has a covenant with the Jews and that has not been annulled.

2 No, God has not rejected and disowned His people [whose destiny] He had marked out and appointed and foreknown from the beginning. Do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel? 3 Lord, they have killed Your prophets; they have demolished Your altars, and I alone am left, and they seek my life. 4 But what is God’s reply to him? I have kept for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal!

The same is true today. We can itemize every point of the apostasy that the Catholic church is now teaching and yet the Lord has reserved some in the Catholic church that have not known the deep things of Satan. There are many denominations that have a name that they are alive and yet are dead, that doesn’t annul the fact that there are some in those denominations that will walk in white with the Lord.

5 So too at the present time there is a remnant, selected by grace. 6 But if it is by grace, it is no longer conditioned on works or anything men have done. Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace [it would be meaningless].

Now this is a difficult point to understand, kind of like calculus. To every church in Revelation the Lord begins by talking about their works and commending them for their works but then He goes on to point out the issues that He does have. Fundamentally I would say the issue is they have left their first love. Once you do that other issues come in, self righteousness, tolerating evil, and ultimately practicing evil. James says that faith without works is dead. However, what happens in religion is they have good works without faith. The Bible describes those as “filthy rags”. It is like a mop filled with blood that is simply smearing the blood all around. You aren’t cleaning up anything. We see this in all these Christian ministries that tolerate sin. They are filled with sin, they never dealt with the sin, but they think their good works will save them so they are preaching a gospel that says it is OK to be filled with sin as long as you also do some vain hat tip to the Lord. We really see this fully expressed with the Jews. They will be very strict in how they keep the Passover and yet they will also tell you that they don’t believe in God. It is like an egg. The inside of the egg is faith, the shell are these religious practices. They lost the chicken a long time ago and yet they are still holding onto the shell.

7 What then? Israel failed to obtain what it sought. Only the elect obtained it, while the rest of them became callously indifferent. 8 As it is written, God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that should not see and ears that should not hear, down to this very day. 9 And David says, Let their table become a snare and a trap, a pitfall and a just retribution rebounding like a boomerang upon them];
10 Let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see, and make them bend their back forever.

No one can deny that Israel really did seek to obtain God’s favor. Their rabbi’s have done a very diligent and scholarly work attempting to answer every obscure and even trivial question. But what has happened, the banquet table has become a snare to them! There is an unwritten yet understood rule in “polite society”. You do not preach righteousness at their banquets. If you are a “Jesus freak” you will not be invited to the parties, banquets and all the different events of the “beautiful people”. It is a subtle “cancel culture” at work. What we are seeing today with “cancel culture” is the full blown blossoming of this. Facebook is like the banquet table for the unwashed masses. What are we seeing, they are enforcing this “unwritten rule” you cannot say anything that the hosts disagree with. You thought it was “your” facebook page but you are sadly mistaken, it is Zuckerberg’s Facebook and all those who agree with Zuckerberg agree that he has the right to censor anyone he wishes for anything he doesn’t like. Now we are seeing that “cancel culture” is like a rebounding boomerang that is taking them out as well. It is as though they have bouncers at their parties and if there aren’t any Christians to throw out then they’ll throw out whoever is closest to the door. As a result we see that they are blind to what true justice is. One minute they say that you need to believe all women when one woman brings in allegations over 20 years old that cannot be substantiated. Yet when ten women bring in allegations against Cuomo that can be substantiated and are current, they try to ignore them. They justify abortion because it is a woman’s body, she has the right to decide what she wants to do and not do with her own body. Yet they then demand that everyone get vaccinated regardless and that anyone who refuses be excluded from “polite society”. They are outraged that Trump might be guilty of nepotism and yet ignore the very obvious nepotism in Biden’s administration. They take two years to investigate Trump for criminality and when the investigation reveals that Hillary Clinton and Obama’s FISA courts were the guilty ones they ignore it. They impeach Trump over his request to investigate corruption by Hunter Biden and yet ignore the evidence of the corruption by Hunter Biden. They were screaming about collusion with Russia but when it turns out it was the Biden crime family, Clinton crime family and Kerry crime family that were colluding they are silent. They tolerate the crooks robbing them blind so it is righteous judgement that they will serve these crooks forever.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Looks like a cheesy trailer to some apocalyptic movie, only thing is this is an actual news footage.



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Romans 11:11-18 The Cancel culture

11 So I ask, Have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their false step and transgression salvation [has come] to the Gentiles, so as to arouse Israel and so to make them jealous.

People went along with Cancel culture for years. There is no way that Bill Maher went to various parties without being complicit. Yet when they see the boomerang hitting others it wakes them up. They thought they were a champion for free speech and independent thought but one day they realize they are blind and bending the back for robbers. This process is fully described in the book “The Help”. A few women were abusive racists, lying and slandering others. Most just went along to get along not wanting to be shunned from “polite society”. A few people were outcasts and they could thumb their nose at “polite society”. The blacks were “the help” and they got an inside view of all of this. Yes, the homes were nicer for the “polite society” but the friends, the neighbors, the society, even the food was better for the blacks.

12 Now if their stumbling has so enriched the world, and if failure means such riches for the Gentiles, think what an enrichment and greater advantage will follow their full reinstatement!

This is the point of the chapter, they went down a path that leads to hell. When they get reinstated they also will provide us with an inside look at hell, like spies. The Bible says we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices. Why is that? Because each of us has been a victim of some of these devices. Look at those who are fighting for election integrity. They were slandered, did that bother them? No, they expected that. In fact they laugh as they see the Democrats meltdown, they know this is the expression of a guilty person who has been caught.

13 But now I am speaking to you who are Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I lay great stress on my ministry and magnify my office, 14 In the hope of making my fellow Jews jealous, and thus managing to save some of them.

There is more than one way to skin a cat. Paul knew that having a vibrant ministry that is bringing in a change to the world would stir someone like himself to jealousy. Why was he so zealous to ride around the country locking up Christians, was he jealous? If so that jealousy was instrumental in his salvation. I was trained in lifesaving (to be a lifeguard). If a person is drowning very often they are fighting and thrashing about. You can use that to save them. You get close enough that they try and lunge at you and then you keep backing up. If you do that they may just swim into shore without you even touching them. Think about what a great lesson this is, two thousand years ago the Jews were the "polite society" and the Christians were the deplorable outcasts. However, we are looking at a reversal of fortunes now at the end of the age. Likewise AntiChrist's kingdom will threaten Evangelicals, receive their kingdom or be outcasts. My feeling is if they want to kick you out of their society then go, you will have better results preaching the gospel elsewhere.

15 For if their rejection and exclusion from the benefits of salvation were [overruled] for the reconciliation of a world to God, what will their acceptance and admission mean? life from the dead!

Wow, this is the flip side of “cancel culture”. If you cancel the Lord and His people what you have actually done is to reject and exclude yourself from the benefits of salvation. When I read the book “The Help” I see two different groups, one is toxic and the other is loving. The toxic group by excluding the others has wound up excluding themselves.

16 Now if the first handful of dough offered as the firstfruits [Abraham and the patriarchs] is consecrated, so is the whole mass [the nation of Israel]; and if the root [Abraham] is consecrated, so are the branches.

This idea that all whites are racist because of what some whites did in the past is false. The book the Help was based on Jackson Ms in the 1950s. I was there in Jackson in the 1950s (just a baby). That doesn’t make me “toxic”. I have patriarchs that are holy, my uncle had his house bombed by the KKK because he was operating a charity to help black churches that had been bombed. There is a toxic culture, a toxic teaching, but it isn’t from the patriarchs in the Bible. You have a choice, identify with Jesus, and the apostles, or else identify with fallen man. The teaching of the apostles is a handful of dough that is holy. If that is the bread you are eating then you also will be holy. The word of God is the root of God’s people, if you are attached to that root then you also will be holy.

17 But if some of the branches were broken off, while you, a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among them to share the richness [of the root and sap] of the olive tree, 18 Do not boast over the branches and pride yourself at their expense. If you do boast and feel superior, remember it is not you that support the root, but the root you.

This pride and feeling superior is the first step towards self righteousness. This is what the Lord meant when He said that the church in Ephesus had left their first love. To be broken off from the tree is what the Lord meant when He said that if you don’t repent He will take away your lampstand.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Before you can plunder the strong man you need to first bind him.



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

China is running short on coal. Prices on coal going up, seems that China is intentionally causing this crisis. We are looking at shortages and inflation worldwide. They think the CCP is doing this to clean up the atmosphere before the winter Olympics.