There is a movement going on to try and call what is good evil and evil good. It has been for a while.
For them to be successful they must try and remove any obstacles, that includes the Word or God.
There is evil trying to openly and subtly cast doubt if possible on the very foundation of faith. Trying to call into question the validity of the scriptures. Or twist it to try and cause people to believe a lie or go the wrong way. This is the way of the devil, he tried to quote scripture to manipulate Christ, after all, what He said was truth. The scene is when after the forty days of fasting the devil came to tempt/test him. He had taken him to the pentacle of the temple and said throw yourself down. For it is written, and it is that God did set His angels charge over Him least he strike His foot against a stone. However, it was the context of how he used it, asking him to test God and cast himself down. Which Christ called Him out for, it is also written you shall not tempt the Lord your God!
That is why brothers and sisters if you truly Love God you must seek him as a man chases the woman he loves. When you catch her don’t do as a man in the flesh. Rather adore her every day as her hearts desire and spend lavishly on her. You must seek to find, knock so he can open the door of understanding to you. You must want it. No one can give it to you. No, not want, that is too weak a word, you must thrust/desire for it as a man thirsts for water in the desert to save his life. This can only happen if you truly believe, or you will not truly desire him.
This same exact scene with the devil happened on a debate I watched between an atheist and some preachers in a church recorded and put on YouTube.
I am sure some of you heard or saw the video. The same exact thing happened in the Durban vs Clark video, he (atheist professor) at the end seething with hate and contentment took anti freeze and poured it, quoted scripture Mark 16:18 saying that if they pick up snakes or drink poison they would not be harmed. He then said put your money where your moth is! No one said anything, no one threw Christ’s answer back. It is also written you will not test the Lord your God. I was upset that that reply did not strike the serpents head. It was the exact same scene. This is happening now. You must know the Lord and know scripture or you will lose your faith.l due to being tricked. Remember it is written, even the very elect of it were possible would be fooled.
How do we know it is truth?
I will write another post about that soon showing how scripture supports scripture and thought it was written by many God guises authors over man
What did Jesus say? Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets, I came to fulfill them!
So what does that sentence say to those who believe they can walk around unrepentant and live in the world as the world lives? It is a lie. You cannot follow the commandments of Christ and continue to sin without remorse, those are polar opposite of each other. Woe to the day you knowingly sin without your conscience bothering you. Because that shows your soul to be seared.
This is what we must understand either and sisters man cannot keep the law, proven by the first covenant to help man understand he is a sinner and unable to keep it. Christ kept it to become the sacrifice for us that through Him we may live.
To live means dead to sin because God is Holy and with God all things are possible and made new and pure, without him nothing is. It is not us who produce the good fruit or over come sin being made pure but He that is in us. All glory and honor is His. Salvation comes from God’s power, not by man if we could do it Christ wouldn’t had to sacrifice himself. We are dependent upon Him for His good works to be done through us , he is not dependent upon us.
Understand God draws us near through situations in our lives and that constant empty void that man feels tries to fill with the things of this world. Then being out at the right place and time you hear the true gospel , which upon hearing the word it plants a seed. That seed of faith, pending on the soil, brings a shoot of belief, upon believing our hearts break in understanding. Understanding brings sprouts of love And repentance. Love, repentance and respect makes us chase him and fall deeper in love. That love draws us into Him and Him into us even more. Which produces God’s good fruits and works in us, because it is He who lives in us. When the light is in you, the darkness is removed
So you will know they are of God by their fruits, man does try to be obedient and produce the fruit. Because man by nature wants to be in the world. That is why you become duel minded yet you cannot serve both. Though man may produce fruit, that is of man, and will wither and die. The fruit of the Spirit however will plant Itself in those the Spirit chooses. This produces another seed and the crop expands, or produces fruit for the edification of the body in accordance with God’s will, not man’s.
This is the Way
Love all server all
Your brother, The greatest of Sinners and least of the Kingdom of Heaven
For them to be successful they must try and remove any obstacles, that includes the Word or God.
There is evil trying to openly and subtly cast doubt if possible on the very foundation of faith. Trying to call into question the validity of the scriptures. Or twist it to try and cause people to believe a lie or go the wrong way. This is the way of the devil, he tried to quote scripture to manipulate Christ, after all, what He said was truth. The scene is when after the forty days of fasting the devil came to tempt/test him. He had taken him to the pentacle of the temple and said throw yourself down. For it is written, and it is that God did set His angels charge over Him least he strike His foot against a stone. However, it was the context of how he used it, asking him to test God and cast himself down. Which Christ called Him out for, it is also written you shall not tempt the Lord your God!
That is why brothers and sisters if you truly Love God you must seek him as a man chases the woman he loves. When you catch her don’t do as a man in the flesh. Rather adore her every day as her hearts desire and spend lavishly on her. You must seek to find, knock so he can open the door of understanding to you. You must want it. No one can give it to you. No, not want, that is too weak a word, you must thrust/desire for it as a man thirsts for water in the desert to save his life. This can only happen if you truly believe, or you will not truly desire him.
This same exact scene with the devil happened on a debate I watched between an atheist and some preachers in a church recorded and put on YouTube.
I am sure some of you heard or saw the video. The same exact thing happened in the Durban vs Clark video, he (atheist professor) at the end seething with hate and contentment took anti freeze and poured it, quoted scripture Mark 16:18 saying that if they pick up snakes or drink poison they would not be harmed. He then said put your money where your moth is! No one said anything, no one threw Christ’s answer back. It is also written you will not test the Lord your God. I was upset that that reply did not strike the serpents head. It was the exact same scene. This is happening now. You must know the Lord and know scripture or you will lose your faith.l due to being tricked. Remember it is written, even the very elect of it were possible would be fooled.
How do we know it is truth?
I will write another post about that soon showing how scripture supports scripture and thought it was written by many God guises authors over man
What did Jesus say? Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets, I came to fulfill them!
So what does that sentence say to those who believe they can walk around unrepentant and live in the world as the world lives? It is a lie. You cannot follow the commandments of Christ and continue to sin without remorse, those are polar opposite of each other. Woe to the day you knowingly sin without your conscience bothering you. Because that shows your soul to be seared.
This is what we must understand either and sisters man cannot keep the law, proven by the first covenant to help man understand he is a sinner and unable to keep it. Christ kept it to become the sacrifice for us that through Him we may live.
To live means dead to sin because God is Holy and with God all things are possible and made new and pure, without him nothing is. It is not us who produce the good fruit or over come sin being made pure but He that is in us. All glory and honor is His. Salvation comes from God’s power, not by man if we could do it Christ wouldn’t had to sacrifice himself. We are dependent upon Him for His good works to be done through us , he is not dependent upon us.
Understand God draws us near through situations in our lives and that constant empty void that man feels tries to fill with the things of this world. Then being out at the right place and time you hear the true gospel , which upon hearing the word it plants a seed. That seed of faith, pending on the soil, brings a shoot of belief, upon believing our hearts break in understanding. Understanding brings sprouts of love And repentance. Love, repentance and respect makes us chase him and fall deeper in love. That love draws us into Him and Him into us even more. Which produces God’s good fruits and works in us, because it is He who lives in us. When the light is in you, the darkness is removed
So you will know they are of God by their fruits, man does try to be obedient and produce the fruit. Because man by nature wants to be in the world. That is why you become duel minded yet you cannot serve both. Though man may produce fruit, that is of man, and will wither and die. The fruit of the Spirit however will plant Itself in those the Spirit chooses. This produces another seed and the crop expands, or produces fruit for the edification of the body in accordance with God’s will, not man’s.
This is the Way
Love all server all
Your brother, The greatest of Sinners and least of the Kingdom of Heaven