So....right now I am busy determining the veracity of the mo'ed Yom Teruah as it relates to the rapture of the Church. Paul makes a very significant statement in Eph 5:14, which is actually a recitation of an hymn only the sung on the Feast of Trumpets. Furthermore, 1Cor 15:52 and 1Thes 4:19 (both quintessential rapture passages) speak of trumpets that almost certainly carry with them connotations of the Feast of Trumpets.
The theory is as follows: the Feast of Trumpets is the "appointed time" of God's arrival for judgment (the age of Grace has ended). This judgment first comes upon the house of God.....who are at this present time faithful believing Christians. We Christians are deemed perfectly righteous and holy in and by the completed work of Jesus, Therefore we are NOT appointed to wrath.....the judgment is determined (IMO this judgement occurs in heaven pre-trib) that we are to be redeemed and raptured (as firstfruits along with Christ Jesus) aka "delivered" (Strong's G4506 "to snatch up for oneself") per 1Thes 1:10.
Then comes the 2Thess 2 sequence "the man of sin is revealed", and the Great Tribulation/Day of the Lord/70th week of Daniel/God's Wrath upon the earth dwellers has begun. This Wrath plays out from Revelation 6 through 18. The Church is already in Heaven by Revelation chapters 4 and 5, seen as the 24 elders, who are denoted as "kings and priests", who sit on thrones, wear white robes and wear crowns. This group is unquestionably the Church as these designations only fit them uniquely.
The terms Jesus uses so often of men not knowing the "day" or the "hour" also tie into the sighting of the new moon at the most significant "appointed time", the "head of the year" aka Yom Teruah. So again, there may be a significant connection to this particular festival appointed time Yom Teruah.
I am only offering food for thought. Not proposing doctrine, not being dogmatic. Any inputs would be appreciated.
See below video for background information. I DO NOT necessarily agree with the contents or conclusions of the video so please be aware of this.
The theory is as follows: the Feast of Trumpets is the "appointed time" of God's arrival for judgment (the age of Grace has ended). This judgment first comes upon the house of God.....who are at this present time faithful believing Christians. We Christians are deemed perfectly righteous and holy in and by the completed work of Jesus, Therefore we are NOT appointed to wrath.....the judgment is determined (IMO this judgement occurs in heaven pre-trib) that we are to be redeemed and raptured (as firstfruits along with Christ Jesus) aka "delivered" (Strong's G4506 "to snatch up for oneself") per 1Thes 1:10.
Then comes the 2Thess 2 sequence "the man of sin is revealed", and the Great Tribulation/Day of the Lord/70th week of Daniel/God's Wrath upon the earth dwellers has begun. This Wrath plays out from Revelation 6 through 18. The Church is already in Heaven by Revelation chapters 4 and 5, seen as the 24 elders, who are denoted as "kings and priests", who sit on thrones, wear white robes and wear crowns. This group is unquestionably the Church as these designations only fit them uniquely.
The terms Jesus uses so often of men not knowing the "day" or the "hour" also tie into the sighting of the new moon at the most significant "appointed time", the "head of the year" aka Yom Teruah. So again, there may be a significant connection to this particular festival appointed time Yom Teruah.
I am only offering food for thought. Not proposing doctrine, not being dogmatic. Any inputs would be appreciated.
See below video for background information. I DO NOT necessarily agree with the contents or conclusions of the video so please be aware of this.
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