Normally, a pandemic will have about run it's course by now. Which is what omicron is about. But China's flunky the W.H.O. says that much worse variants are coming. To tell you the truth, death would not be a great loss for me, considering my health. I know where I'm going better than most.
Having said that, as I am on a medical disability and am basically housebound, I have done little for the past 8 1/2 years besides be led through the internet by the Lord. He has transformed my worldview and given me insight into what is actually going on in the world today.
If this was a normal pandemic, I'd be the first in line to get vaccinated, as I always have with the flu. But I know what's going on. The question that is never answered is what happened to the flu? Dr. Zelenco has an idea about this.
I have no doubt that this "pandemic" is part of an overall plan to bring in a one-world government. I could easily get a medical exemption to the jab. But this is bigger than me.
I am not afraid to die. In fact, the Lord has shown me my death. I will stand for what I believe is the truth until the Lord tells me to stand down. I will do what I believe the Lord is telling me to do...to the death!
We are in a war of truth verses lies...I will do my best to stand for the truth. I will answer to the Lord alone for my actions.
Having said that, as I am on a medical disability and am basically housebound, I have done little for the past 8 1/2 years besides be led through the internet by the Lord. He has transformed my worldview and given me insight into what is actually going on in the world today.
If this was a normal pandemic, I'd be the first in line to get vaccinated, as I always have with the flu. But I know what's going on. The question that is never answered is what happened to the flu? Dr. Zelenco has an idea about this.
I have no doubt that this "pandemic" is part of an overall plan to bring in a one-world government. I could easily get a medical exemption to the jab. But this is bigger than me.
I am not afraid to die. In fact, the Lord has shown me my death. I will stand for what I believe is the truth until the Lord tells me to stand down. I will do what I believe the Lord is telling me to do...to the death!
We are in a war of truth verses lies...I will do my best to stand for the truth. I will answer to the Lord alone for my actions.
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