Being a Homosexual is no more a sin than a person being a Heterosexual or bi sexual or transexual or transgender or what have you.
Who you are attracted to is not what is considered sinful. Acting upon it, now that is what is sinful.
A Homosexual who has a sexual relationship with the same sex, commits sin. Even as a Heterosexual who has a sexual relationship with another not being married to that person, commits sin.
The ONLY sexual relationship that God approves of is between a Husband and his Wife. All other sexual relationship with another is sinful.
i agree that homosexual acts of sex are indeed sin. So is lying. So is looking at porn. So is Failing to Love One Another.
We are commanded to Love One Another, so when you fail to do so, you commit sin. Are we so concerned about the sins of others that we fail to get rid of the sins that so easily besets us? First get rid of the sin that is in your own life, so that you will be better able to see clearly how to tell others that their sinning should cease.
Do you think other should cease their sinning, yet you do not cease your own sinning? how is that not hypocritical? The problem with this generation is that people put a value on one sin above another sin. Therefore it makes them feel better about the sins that they are committing, because those sins are not nearly as bad as other sins. A person who steals a million dollars and a person who steals a pencil from work. BOTH disobeyed God and stole. People put a value on which one is worse than the other, But to God they both stole, they Both disobeyed Him. We are so focused on the sins of the Homosexuals, that we fail to address the sins that are in our own lives, because why? Because Homosexual sins are far worse than the ones you commit, right? WRONG!!!
If a Homosexual person is in your presence and you are NOT Loving them, you commit sin, because you fail to Love One Another as our Savior Jesus Christ Commanded us to do, He did ask us to do, He didn't say Try to do it, He COMMANDED us to do it. If you don't you are the one that committed sin.
And the worse thing yet, Is if a person repents of a sin, they are forgiven for that sin if they are Truly sorry for that sin. The problem i see with this generation, is people Failing to Love One Another all over the place, and i doubt one person is asking for forgiveness from God for Failing to love one another. Do you ask God to forgive you for cutting off that person in traffic, i think not. But you committed sin because you Failed to Love that person, and if you do not ask for forgiveness for that sin, then that sin still remains stained on you. Did you have a dollar to give but Fail to give to a bum? Did you repent for Failing to love that person asking you for money, or did you altogether convince yourself that person is probably richer than you, and make yourself feel justified by not giving? Therefore since you feel justified for NOT giving to someone asking you for money, why would you repent of Failing to Love One Another?
LOVE ONE ANOTHER, start now before its to late.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††
Who you are attracted to is not what is considered sinful. Acting upon it, now that is what is sinful.
A Homosexual who has a sexual relationship with the same sex, commits sin. Even as a Heterosexual who has a sexual relationship with another not being married to that person, commits sin.
The ONLY sexual relationship that God approves of is between a Husband and his Wife. All other sexual relationship with another is sinful.
i agree that homosexual acts of sex are indeed sin. So is lying. So is looking at porn. So is Failing to Love One Another.
We are commanded to Love One Another, so when you fail to do so, you commit sin. Are we so concerned about the sins of others that we fail to get rid of the sins that so easily besets us? First get rid of the sin that is in your own life, so that you will be better able to see clearly how to tell others that their sinning should cease.
Do you think other should cease their sinning, yet you do not cease your own sinning? how is that not hypocritical? The problem with this generation is that people put a value on one sin above another sin. Therefore it makes them feel better about the sins that they are committing, because those sins are not nearly as bad as other sins. A person who steals a million dollars and a person who steals a pencil from work. BOTH disobeyed God and stole. People put a value on which one is worse than the other, But to God they both stole, they Both disobeyed Him. We are so focused on the sins of the Homosexuals, that we fail to address the sins that are in our own lives, because why? Because Homosexual sins are far worse than the ones you commit, right? WRONG!!!
If a Homosexual person is in your presence and you are NOT Loving them, you commit sin, because you fail to Love One Another as our Savior Jesus Christ Commanded us to do, He did ask us to do, He didn't say Try to do it, He COMMANDED us to do it. If you don't you are the one that committed sin.
And the worse thing yet, Is if a person repents of a sin, they are forgiven for that sin if they are Truly sorry for that sin. The problem i see with this generation, is people Failing to Love One Another all over the place, and i doubt one person is asking for forgiveness from God for Failing to love one another. Do you ask God to forgive you for cutting off that person in traffic, i think not. But you committed sin because you Failed to Love that person, and if you do not ask for forgiveness for that sin, then that sin still remains stained on you. Did you have a dollar to give but Fail to give to a bum? Did you repent for Failing to love that person asking you for money, or did you altogether convince yourself that person is probably richer than you, and make yourself feel justified by not giving? Therefore since you feel justified for NOT giving to someone asking you for money, why would you repent of Failing to Love One Another?
LOVE ONE ANOTHER, start now before its to late.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††
that too is a tactic of those who support homosexuality and many cry the same thing:
wrong thinking here :
- Who you are attracted to is not what is considered sinful.
Jesus said “whosoever looks “ with lust Matt 5.
- A Homosexual who has a sexual relationship with the same sex, commits sin. Even as a Heterosexual who has a sexual relationship with another not being married to that person, commits sin.
- “We are commanded to Love One Another, so when you fail to do so, you commit sin. “
- Do you think other should cease their sinning, yet you do not cease your own sinning?
- The problem with this generation is that people put a value on one sin above another sin. Therefore it makes them feel better about the sins that they are committing, because those sins are not nearly as bad as other sins.
It is not the drunker who has organized , and tried to create laws to silence the church concerning this sin.
- If a Homosexual person is in your presence and you are NOT Loving them, you commit sin, because you fail to Love One Another as our Savior Jesus Christ Commanded us to do, He did ask us to do, He didn't say Try to do it, He COMMANDED us to do it. If you don't you are the one that committed sin.
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