Hey guys, my name is Josh, well here's the situation: Ok, I'm 19 years old, I'm from Hawaii, graduated from highschool in 2008, spent a year volunteering abroad, traveling and performing in various countries, I just returned home in like September, enrolled to start college in Spring 2010, and I have no close friends what so ever!
You know how you have best friends? Then you have best friends that you don't really see often but it doesn't matter because when you see them again its like you were never apart? Well that could be me, minus the primary best friend. The people that I consider the closest live the farthest away, some on the other side of the world. Most of the time I like the peace and quite, I do really enjoy being alone, it gives me that time I need to think about my life, where I'm at, where I'm going. It's not like I'm a loner or anything, I know people, more acquaintences than anything deeper, I just don't have that best friend, the one we were suppose to get into mischief with, the one that plays a role in my big descisions, my best man. I've never had that kind of relationship. Ok, Jesus Christ is one of those people, but you know what I mean, don't you?.
Growing up I went to a private school, most of the friends I had were for the most part well to do, their parents were successful in their lives in various fields, and a lot of them were given whatever they asked for whether they were the rotten snobby kid or the real down to earth ones. On top of that, most of them were trust fund baby's! I never had anything against their privileges, but I always felt out of the loop you know, I mean I was at the opposite end of that leash. My father was an only parent who ran two businesses that did well in their glory days, so I heard, but when my younger sisters and I came to be, his business went from great down to just making ends meet (ok I exaggerated, we pretty much never made ends meet, and everything around us never stopped downsizing.). But it never really bothered us or got us down, my family and I were content with what we had, and what we had to make do with. I thank the Lord for helping my sisters and I study hard to get good grades which ultimately made us eligible for financial aide and scholarships to attend the private school.
When I was about 2 years old I was taken by my grandparents to live with them. My grandfather died when I was 5 and its was me and my grandmother ever since. Even though, I was still close with my dad, especially my sisters, but my grandmother and I have bonded so well that we're almost the same person when it comes down to our lifestyles and qualities. I wouldn't have wanted to be raised up any other way than by her teachings, though at times she may be stubborn when it comes to being open minded. My Dad was and still is a deacon, gradually assistant pastor, and my sisters and I have always really relied on the Lord to ultimately get us through anything, but we really dug deep into our spiritual walk when our mother left a year before highschool.
Of course there were those moments when I was embarrassed of who I was, and what I didn't have compared to all my friends at school. Imagine your peers pulling up in Hummers, Mercedez Benz, BMW's, Porshe Cayennes, you name it, they probably had it parked in their garages. Or flying as a group to countries like Greece, France, etc. during school breaks, but having to cop out on joing them primarily because I would never had afforded it, and if I did I would've spent it on my family. But those were just phases. But then maturity kicks in and you just have to bite the bullet. The thing is, I was always a little sensitive about my financial status.
While in highschool I felt like a hybrid or something, LOL, I lived my life by old fashioned morals, and at the same time succumbed to change for the better. It wasn't hard at all for me to make friends, in fact I was the all around kind of guy. You know how there are clicks amongst peers, well I was the guy who floated from one island to the next, clicking away at all the clicks, I was friends with everyone, not joking! On top of that, I made lots of long lasting friendships with my teachers and other aldults. It was funny when I realized I had more in common with adults, or older people in general than my own age group. And fortunately the school I went to was also Christian, I really got to share the love of Christ with everyone, and it was a blessing to see him working in people around school. I never really played sports, except for a year or two of paddling and swimming, no football, no soccer, mainly because I couldn't afford all that gear, but most importantly I hadn't the time, being the oldest meant a whole lot of responsibilities like keeping the house and yard clean, dinner, getting down on my siblings, and helpng my dad with his businesses.That definitely had left no time for sports practices.
Although since I was little one of the many things that I tried was dance, amongst other things like music. But since I was 3, I have been dancing, by middle school I danced professionally, even got paid, and on through highschool where I got paid to travel and dance. Of course the money I made came back to help the family, no regrets there. My sisters and I really learned music as well, in fact today my sister and I are music instructors. I must admit, music is my sisters strength, for me its dance. We both don't do as well if were to trade off.
Our mother was a director for The Hawaii Food Bank, so since we were young we always found a way to give back to our community, and lend a helping hand. Volunteering came almost as natural as dance. After highschool, I was accepted into a colleges of my choice, but I guess God had different plans for me cause I wasn't able to afford the out of state tuitions that the schools gave me. So instead I continued with my dance troupe and traveled the world performing, thankfully getting paid in the process, and in between performances, depending the counrty we were staying in at the time I volunteered with the locals which is always a blessing. I've made many friends along the way, and personally grew as a person. I don't regret not going straight to college, cause I learned soo much more, and got to experience soo much more.
Now, I am back home, and about to go to school in the Spring, and what do you know? I feel awfully lonely! Honestly, its hard trying to find someone that really understands me, or just isn't afraid to push my buttons. I know my sad life story sounds like a Cliche, LOL, but I am serious! I literally remember to ask God in prayer every night for a best friend of some sorts! I just thought that maybe if I shared a little about myself then you could understand my point of veiw, or at least try to. Even my friends at Church don't relate to me, and the ones that did all go to school out of state. Since highschool everytime I get really close to someone I would've considered "THAT FRIEND" , they end up dropping some bad bombshell on me, LORD BLESS THOSE BACKSTABBERS/UNLOYAL FRIENDS!
I don't know whats going on with me, am I doing something that emanates "DON'T BE MY BEST FRIEND!" or something? Lately I've been kind of down on this topic, which isn't good, especially since I am in my Churches Praise and Worship team, and an usher. But above all, I am a servant of Christ, and being so I have to be the best ambassador for God that I can be you know, I don't what someone to catch me in a bad mood. I guess I am also looking for someone who will adhere to my needs also, instead of just looking up to me for direction, like I'm perfect and always knows the answers. I want to be treated like an equal, like a human. At the moment I don't have the oppurtunities to be socially outgoing, but I'm sure when I start school there will be. What do you guys think? The past is the past, right now I am trying to shape my future, do you have any advice on things I could do to be a better person? Anything please! I reallly look forward to hearing your feedback. But if you guys could, please pray for me haha, I just need some direction. Please comment, or if you want email me at [email protected] , Thanks!
You know how you have best friends? Then you have best friends that you don't really see often but it doesn't matter because when you see them again its like you were never apart? Well that could be me, minus the primary best friend. The people that I consider the closest live the farthest away, some on the other side of the world. Most of the time I like the peace and quite, I do really enjoy being alone, it gives me that time I need to think about my life, where I'm at, where I'm going. It's not like I'm a loner or anything, I know people, more acquaintences than anything deeper, I just don't have that best friend, the one we were suppose to get into mischief with, the one that plays a role in my big descisions, my best man. I've never had that kind of relationship. Ok, Jesus Christ is one of those people, but you know what I mean, don't you?.
Growing up I went to a private school, most of the friends I had were for the most part well to do, their parents were successful in their lives in various fields, and a lot of them were given whatever they asked for whether they were the rotten snobby kid or the real down to earth ones. On top of that, most of them were trust fund baby's! I never had anything against their privileges, but I always felt out of the loop you know, I mean I was at the opposite end of that leash. My father was an only parent who ran two businesses that did well in their glory days, so I heard, but when my younger sisters and I came to be, his business went from great down to just making ends meet (ok I exaggerated, we pretty much never made ends meet, and everything around us never stopped downsizing.). But it never really bothered us or got us down, my family and I were content with what we had, and what we had to make do with. I thank the Lord for helping my sisters and I study hard to get good grades which ultimately made us eligible for financial aide and scholarships to attend the private school.
When I was about 2 years old I was taken by my grandparents to live with them. My grandfather died when I was 5 and its was me and my grandmother ever since. Even though, I was still close with my dad, especially my sisters, but my grandmother and I have bonded so well that we're almost the same person when it comes down to our lifestyles and qualities. I wouldn't have wanted to be raised up any other way than by her teachings, though at times she may be stubborn when it comes to being open minded. My Dad was and still is a deacon, gradually assistant pastor, and my sisters and I have always really relied on the Lord to ultimately get us through anything, but we really dug deep into our spiritual walk when our mother left a year before highschool.
Of course there were those moments when I was embarrassed of who I was, and what I didn't have compared to all my friends at school. Imagine your peers pulling up in Hummers, Mercedez Benz, BMW's, Porshe Cayennes, you name it, they probably had it parked in their garages. Or flying as a group to countries like Greece, France, etc. during school breaks, but having to cop out on joing them primarily because I would never had afforded it, and if I did I would've spent it on my family. But those were just phases. But then maturity kicks in and you just have to bite the bullet. The thing is, I was always a little sensitive about my financial status.
While in highschool I felt like a hybrid or something, LOL, I lived my life by old fashioned morals, and at the same time succumbed to change for the better. It wasn't hard at all for me to make friends, in fact I was the all around kind of guy. You know how there are clicks amongst peers, well I was the guy who floated from one island to the next, clicking away at all the clicks, I was friends with everyone, not joking! On top of that, I made lots of long lasting friendships with my teachers and other aldults. It was funny when I realized I had more in common with adults, or older people in general than my own age group. And fortunately the school I went to was also Christian, I really got to share the love of Christ with everyone, and it was a blessing to see him working in people around school. I never really played sports, except for a year or two of paddling and swimming, no football, no soccer, mainly because I couldn't afford all that gear, but most importantly I hadn't the time, being the oldest meant a whole lot of responsibilities like keeping the house and yard clean, dinner, getting down on my siblings, and helpng my dad with his businesses.That definitely had left no time for sports practices.
Although since I was little one of the many things that I tried was dance, amongst other things like music. But since I was 3, I have been dancing, by middle school I danced professionally, even got paid, and on through highschool where I got paid to travel and dance. Of course the money I made came back to help the family, no regrets there. My sisters and I really learned music as well, in fact today my sister and I are music instructors. I must admit, music is my sisters strength, for me its dance. We both don't do as well if were to trade off.
Our mother was a director for The Hawaii Food Bank, so since we were young we always found a way to give back to our community, and lend a helping hand. Volunteering came almost as natural as dance. After highschool, I was accepted into a colleges of my choice, but I guess God had different plans for me cause I wasn't able to afford the out of state tuitions that the schools gave me. So instead I continued with my dance troupe and traveled the world performing, thankfully getting paid in the process, and in between performances, depending the counrty we were staying in at the time I volunteered with the locals which is always a blessing. I've made many friends along the way, and personally grew as a person. I don't regret not going straight to college, cause I learned soo much more, and got to experience soo much more.
Now, I am back home, and about to go to school in the Spring, and what do you know? I feel awfully lonely! Honestly, its hard trying to find someone that really understands me, or just isn't afraid to push my buttons. I know my sad life story sounds like a Cliche, LOL, but I am serious! I literally remember to ask God in prayer every night for a best friend of some sorts! I just thought that maybe if I shared a little about myself then you could understand my point of veiw, or at least try to. Even my friends at Church don't relate to me, and the ones that did all go to school out of state. Since highschool everytime I get really close to someone I would've considered "THAT FRIEND" , they end up dropping some bad bombshell on me, LORD BLESS THOSE BACKSTABBERS/UNLOYAL FRIENDS!
I don't know whats going on with me, am I doing something that emanates "DON'T BE MY BEST FRIEND!" or something? Lately I've been kind of down on this topic, which isn't good, especially since I am in my Churches Praise and Worship team, and an usher. But above all, I am a servant of Christ, and being so I have to be the best ambassador for God that I can be you know, I don't what someone to catch me in a bad mood. I guess I am also looking for someone who will adhere to my needs also, instead of just looking up to me for direction, like I'm perfect and always knows the answers. I want to be treated like an equal, like a human. At the moment I don't have the oppurtunities to be socially outgoing, but I'm sure when I start school there will be. What do you guys think? The past is the past, right now I am trying to shape my future, do you have any advice on things I could do to be a better person? Anything please! I reallly look forward to hearing your feedback. But if you guys could, please pray for me haha, I just need some direction. Please comment, or if you want email me at [email protected] , Thanks!