When He returns (to the earth), yes.
(Lk12:36-37,38,40,42-44 [and parallel], "when he will RETURN FROM the wedding..." ...THEN "the meal [G347]" [on the earth / the EARTHLY MK age]--He will RETURN as an ALREADY-WED "Bridegroom" in these contexts);
Acts 1 (which they "BEHELD") was the latter of these TWO times.
And He shall "SO" come "IN LIKE MANNER" as they have "SEEN" Him traveling up to heaven. TRUE!! Pre-tribbers do NOT disagree!
(This Acts 1 wording corresponds with 2Th2:8b "the MANIFESTATION of the presence / parousia of Him/Jesus," when He will squash the "man of sin"/"AC"; and with Rev1:7's "and EVERY EYE shall SEE Him" [i.e. at Rev19]; and corresponding with 1Tim6:15 "which in his times he SHALL SHEW [/OPENLY MANIFEST]...").
But some "40 days" EARLIER He ascended the FIRST time (ON His Resurrection Day / ON "FIRSTFRUIT" [Lev23:10-12 / 1Cor15:20])... and further study shows that this "pattern" holds.
(Lk12:36-37,38,40,42-44 [and parallel], "when he will RETURN FROM the wedding..." ...THEN "the meal [G347]" [on the earth / the EARTHLY MK age]--He will RETURN as an ALREADY-WED "Bridegroom" in these contexts);
Acts 1 (which they "BEHELD") was the latter of these TWO times.
And He shall "SO" come "IN LIKE MANNER" as they have "SEEN" Him traveling up to heaven. TRUE!! Pre-tribbers do NOT disagree!
(This Acts 1 wording corresponds with 2Th2:8b "the MANIFESTATION of the presence / parousia of Him/Jesus," when He will squash the "man of sin"/"AC"; and with Rev1:7's "and EVERY EYE shall SEE Him" [i.e. at Rev19]; and corresponding with 1Tim6:15 "which in his times he SHALL SHEW [/OPENLY MANIFEST]...").
But some "40 days" EARLIER He ascended the FIRST time (ON His Resurrection Day / ON "FIRSTFRUIT" [Lev23:10-12 / 1Cor15:20])... and further study shows that this "pattern" holds.
Lord Jesus was emphatic about the timing and order of His future return to gather His Church being AFTER... the tribulation, even as Apostle Paul showed in 1 Thessalonians 4 with the asleep saints being resurrected on that day of Christ's future return.
I'm well aware that man's pre-trib rapture theory believes Christ's 2nd coming is actually a 3rd coming, with all His Church, when it is not a 3rd coming. So believing that Jesus ascended to Heaven more than once is likewise an adding to the Scripture.
There are only... two comings written of in God's Word for Lord Jesus Christ. His 1st coming was to be meek as a lamb to be crucified for the remission of sins of those who believe. And His 2nd coming will be His future return with His army from Heaven on the last day... of this world, which also is when Paul showed the rapture of the Church will occur.
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