Oh yes, and the Likes icons that people can click so as to levy judgment toward someone and their remarks. The diarrhea plop should have clued me in I admit. I don't know if Landover has that same kind of thing. Probably you have to join to find out. Looking at their forum as just a visitor I don't see it.
Anyway, I was going to go for the evening but had to add this. Called my wife to let her know. She loves dry humor and parody though neither of us expected this and at other than the Bee or Landover. Probably a lot of other Christian parody sites out there sponsored by atheists and even the satan guy's troop of monkey's. Sounds like something Howard would have thought up if he'd had the money anyway.
Boy is he surprised now that he's dead.
Anyway, thanks again people. Right out of left field. I never saw it coming. That, Locutus character and their fixation with the Borg. Assimilation. Lo-cut-us.
And I ignore them because I thought they were really that lo.
I thought you all would like these little emotion yellow guys to share. My wife puts one of their animated faces in her emails when she writes me . I'll pass their link to you too.
Aw, I just keep running through my head the names I've read here and their really round the bend behaviors when speaking to people. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner. So many names. And yet and again, so many good hearted people too. You all keep the balance perfectly. Which is why you're so hard to fathom at first and then anyone who has Landover experience hears that little bell go off.
Landover has a discussion starter in their Christian History Forum that says, proof Jesus was white.

In case anyone here wants to copy cat that in some way.
Good talking to you all. Really. I was feeling sorry for a lot of people here having read the others on that dark side trip. Now I'm just really happy I'm in the loop.
Anyway, till next time, God willing.
Have a blessed night people. Or not.

ha ha ha! You all are really something.