I love earthbound on snes, majoras mask is pretty cool, i want to play world of goo, but i can't emulate it, i like donkey knong country, the star wars chapter 1 racer, so cool, mario 64 is the all time best mario, my favorite zelda is breath of the wild, bc it holds memories, but link to the past is pretty cool, don't starve is cool, but i mostly play survivalists, because it is not horror, and is more efficient. for ports that are free with my system, there is a version of tetris that is decent, noce music, and a placement indicator. c-dogs sdl, a dogfight game, i'm sure it is rated m

pretty violent, but in pixellated 2-d. but the enemies still leave blood smears. ur-quan masters, the worlds best game, it is free, so so so cool, and has incredible story.
i also play;lego star wars on gba, plants vs zombies on 6 fps on ds, (bad emulator) smash 64, pretty decent, much better than smash switch. and i am sure i missed some.