For Dillon93: I used to have EXACTLY the same as you and this is how it got fixed: 1 repenting of anything that could keep me out of the presence of God, for in his presence there is fullness of joy, peace, safety, all that you need and no anxiety. 2 getting IN His presence through worship, attending Church and connecting to Him, STAYING in his presence all day at home and anywhere, through praise and worship and obedience to the Holy Spirit's leading. 3 reading and speaking outloud Psalm 23 and Romans 8:33-39 and Ephesians 6:10-18.
Dear dillon93, i assure you that all anxiety, panics and other disorders are just fancy words for describing demonic attacks and this is why i strongly urge you to put on the full armor of God and also to ensure that you're not in any way backslidden and open to such attacks. My strongest encouragement to you is to get your life in order, activate your faith, reject fear, turn to the Lord and DWELL in his presence.
God bless.