New profile posts

I'm not denying the workings of grace And what that entails what I'm disagreeing with is that also requires a response and cooperation with grace.
Hope this finds you well and happy, young sister.
Hi New! Me too. Just wondering why you don't currently attend church???
@JJGS : My wife and I haven't been able to find a Church that really suits us.

I hope it is okay if I post the information here rather than on the thread.

This person gets to the important points at about 13:05 the Rothschilds and Oxford University Press. Unfortunately his Substack where he has the links is members only with a fee.
I like the he shows the actual book with the text as proof.

I have other sources, I will be back :-)
God simply just loves us all. Otherwise God would not have gone to the cross willingly at all "God just loves us y'all"