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My favourite place is 5.30 am, out in nature gazing as the sun rises .. then in the evening, I’m heading out high to watch it set again, don’t let no one tell you the sun is bad for you 👍

Ecclesiastes 11.7 light is sweet and it’s good for the eyes to see the sun

Just be respectful.. staring at the sun at 1pm - 3pm when it’s at it hottest would be harmful to your eyes but catching the raise an set is key
God is light and there is no darkness at all in him. If we make the statement we are having fellowship with him, and yet we go on walking in the darkness we are lying and are not practising the truth.
If we make the statement we have no sin, we are misleading ourselves and truth is not in us… if we confess our sins he is faithful an righteous an will cleanse us from all
1john 1:5
If I didn’t make changes.. it’s certified my life was wasted, the only way I’m breaking strongholds chains is… in the name of Jehovah! an his son Jesus Christ,
revGOH priest