Eternal Security You CANNOT lose your salvation! by David J. Stewart | January 2004

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Apr 30, 2016
What we do is what we believe. Let me ask you this. If someone you truly believed in said " there is 1,000,000 dollars buried 3 feet down in the center of your back yard." if you believed this, what would that belief lead you to do? of course if you believed it was true, you would go dig where you were told and lay hold of the money, if someone you truly did not believe said it to you, you probably arent going to bother.

saying i believe is different from believing. Just as believing in The One God sent, means you have to believe what He said. very clearly Jesus makes plain as do the apostles saying " i believe" and living as if we do not believe will not save anyone, but rather it will condemn them. Belief in Jesus will save, but it has to be sincere not words alone. His own words

matthew 7:21-27"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but HE THAT DOETH the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22Many WILL SAY to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that WORK INIQUITY.24Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, AND DOETH THEM, I will liken him unto a WISE man, which built his house upon a rock: 25And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it FELL NOT: for it was founded UPON A ROCK. 26And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and DOETH THEM NOT, shall be likened unto a FOOLISH man, which built his house upon the sand: 27And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and GREAT WAS THE FALL of it."

the thing so many do not wish to hear is that if a person believes that Jesus is the Lord, the One God sent. they will absolutely TREAT Jesus as the LORD and all the word says He is. the word Lord means the authority, the ruler, the governor, the master ect. we are in submission to the Lord thats what the term means, we the subjects, He the King. Paul makes this abundantly clear, but the modern distortions of His writings by popular false doctrines, omit anything that doesnt make a "conditionless gospel" the true Gospel is recorded from matthew 1:1, to the final verse of John. the apostles were simply teaching the gospel as they were commissioned to do including paul, same gospel taken to the world through the apostles including paul no difference in the gospel but now it was freely offered to all regardless of birth, because all had sinned and fallen under condemnation, God sent His only son as savior of the WHOLE WORLD through the gospel which he taught to isreal and isreal then spread to the world. Belief has to be in Jesus, and it has to be sincere, sincere belief will ALWAYS result in actions.

romans 6:15-18 "What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? GOD FORBID. 16Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? 17But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. 18Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

were saved by Gods Grace, not the grace of the world. Gods Grace looks like this

titus 2:11-15 "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 12Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 13Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 14Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works."

if Grace doesnt teach us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts in this life, and to live righteously "in this present world" if grace doesnt produce a zealousness to do Gods will which is spoken by Jesus in His ministry......its the grace of the serpent that teaches us to deny Gods word and chase lies.......
Well said.



Senior Member
Apr 20, 2016
Yes. I agree with @PeterJens.
If you agree that we have free will, then you must agree that we can both accept Christ OR walk away from Him.
If we are not ALLOWED to desert Him if we want to, then what you're saying is that we have lost our free will.

If we've lost our free will, then what kind of love do we offer to God? Love that is worth nothing because it is not free.

Please explain if what you're saying is that it's VERY DIFFICULT to walk away from the love of our Lord,
are you saying it's impossible? Could we at least agree that nothing is impossible? And that it IS possible to abandon God - no matter how difficult it might be.

It is impossible.
Does God know you?
Does he know that you truly love him, therefore he will protect you?
Does he know that you will walk away from him, so he doesn't protect you and let's you walk away.
Is anything impossible with God?
When I gave my life to Jesus, I knew he was real, I knew I belonged to him.
I still feel that way today.
No one can take me away from him.
I know I am saved forever.
God puts that feeling inside of me.
How about you?
Do you question your salvation?
If so, why?
What are you missing in your relationship with God.
As one writer in the Bible put it, "and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever".
The way I feel is backed up in Scripture.


Senior Member
May 17, 2013
You say saved souls don't stand before the judgment throne of God.
What verse is that?
I'd like to read it.
Ro 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

At the great white throne judgment only condemned souls appear there and all are not found in the Lambs book of life so they are cast into the lake of fire.

We as believers are part of the host that witnesses the judgment of the lost.

Joh 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

There is another verse I'm trying to recall but it slips my ever shortening memory right now.

For the cause of Christ
Apr 30, 2016
Justification is legal term. Jesus said He did not come to judge us and we were judged already. We were guilty of the whole law. The atonement of Christ's blood satisfied the demand or the death sentence we were given. Grace made it efficacious for us through no merit of our own. Think of the law of double jeopardy we cannot be convicted for the same crime twice.

For the cause of Christ
I'm here so I'm going to persist just this one last time.

Everything you say about us not being judged and appearing only before the judgement seat of Christ is correct and we'll be judged only for our works, etc etc.

This is not what I'm talking about.

I think you need to study JUSTIFICATION a little more.
When you are JUSTIFIED you are SAVED.

It is being made right with God.
It is being accepted by God.
It is because of Christ's perfect obedience that it can be obtained.
By Christ's death on the cross.
It cannot be earned.
it is a free gift of God's grace.
We receive it by repenting.
We receive it by faith.
We are redeemed.
We are freed from sin.
We receive eternal life.
We become free from condemnation.
We go on to live a life of holiness (sanctification)

I hope you read up on it a bit more. Any study bible, or even the internet. It's an important concept.

Dec 12, 2013
It is impossible.
Does God know you?
Does he know that you truly love him, therefore he will protect you?
Does he know that you will walk away from him, so he doesn't protect you and let's you walk away.
Is anything impossible with God?
When I gave my life to Jesus, I knew he was real, I knew I belonged to him.
I still feel that way today.
No one can take me away from him.
I know I am saved forever.
God puts that feeling inside of me.
How about you?
Do you question your salvation?
If so, why?
What are you missing in your relationship with God.
As one writer in the Bible put it, "and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever".
The way I feel is backed up in Scripture.
AMEN to that....JESUS<---I WILL NEVER leave you or FORSAKE YOU

Paul<---NOTHING can separate us from the LOVE of God





JESUS<--ALL that the FATHER gives me I WILL LOSE NOTHING, BUT WILL raise it up the last day

The bible teaches eternal security...end of story!
Apr 30, 2016
It is impossible.
Does God know you?
Does he know that you truly love him, therefore he will protect you?
Does he know that you will walk away from him, so he doesn't protect you and let's you walk away.
Is anything impossible with God?
When I gave my life to Jesus, I knew he was real, I knew I belonged to him.
I still feel that way today.
No one can take me away from him.
I know I am saved forever.
God puts that feeling inside of me.
How about you?
Do you question your salvation?
If so, why?
What are you missing in your relationship with God.
As one writer in the Bible put it, "and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever".
The way I feel is backed up in Scripture.
I agree with you. I also feel saved and safe in the arms of the Lord. There's no way I'd get to be in God's presence if it depended on me. I fail so many times and I know it.

It's been many years that Jesus spoke to me and I don't see how I could ever desert Him.
But does this mean it's impossible?

Why did both Jesus and the Apostles, incl Paul, beg us to live a Godly life and to hold firm till the end, and all those other warnings if it's not possible to lose salvation? Why waste their breath? it seems to me that if they did this, then they did it for a reason - to keep us safe and make us understand that we're to hold on.



Senior Member
May 17, 2013
I'm here so I'm going to persist just this one last time.

Everything you say about us not being judged and appearing only before the judgement seat of Christ is correct and we'll be judged only for our works, etc etc.

This is not what I'm talking about.

I think you need to study JUSTIFICATION a little more.
When you are JUSTIFIED you are SAVED.

It is being made right with God.
It is being accepted by God.
It is because of Christ's perfect obedience that it can be obtained.
By Christ's death on the cross.
It cannot be earned.
it is a free gift of God's grace.
We receive it by repenting.
We receive it by faith.
We are redeemed.
We are freed from sin.
We receive eternal life.
We become free from condemnation.
We go on to live a life of holiness (sanctification)

I hope you read up on it a bit more. Any study bible, or even the internet. It's an important concept.

I am saved the moment I receive Gods grace imputing to me the righteousness of His Son Jesus Christ. I am redeemed and I am justified by grace.

I have salvation first followed by justification then followed by glorification.

Saved first the sin debt paid. Justified that the law no longer has dominion over me. One day when my journey is done I will receive my glorified body and dwell in the presence of the Lord forever.

For the cause of Christ
Apr 30, 2016
I am saved the moment I receive Gods grace imputing to me the righteousness of His Son Jesus Christ. I am redeemed and I am justified by grace.

I have salvation first followed by justification then followed by glorification.

Saved first the sin debt paid. Justified that the law no longer has dominion over me. One day when my journey is done I will receive my glorified body and dwell in the presence of the Lord forever.

For the cause of Christ
Now it sounds good. Sometimes it's just language and I worry for those reading along, not for you.

Just let me add that there are three steps. These can be looked up (for the readers)


Apr 30, 2016
AMEN to that....JESUS<---I WILL NEVER leave you or FORSAKE YOU

Paul<---NOTHING can separate us from the LOVE of God





JESUS<--ALL that the FATHER gives me I WILL LOSE NOTHING, BUT WILL raise it up the last day

The bible teaches eternal security...end of story!
I wasn't going to answer but the "end of story" got to me! Sorry.

It's not the end of the story!
Would you like to take one verse at a time?
I'm not going to throw verses back and forth. it's a waste of time.

Would you care to answer WHY Jesus and the Apostles placed so much attention on WORKS (sorry!) IF they aren't important? On enduring to the end? On holding fast to one's faith? On not falling away?

Do you think the early church Father's knew this doctrine of OSAS? Or do you suppose it came about after John Calvin was born?

Instead of throwing verses around, could you answer the above? OR, we could take one verse at a time.



Senior Member
Apr 20, 2016
Ro 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

At the great white throne judgment only condemned souls appear there and all are not found in the Lambs book of life so they are cast into the lake of fire.

We as believers are part of the host that witnesses the judgment of the lost.

Joh 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

There is another verse I'm trying to recall but it slips my ever shortening memory right now.

For the cause of Christ
You have no verses Roger.
Let me help you and others here that have no answers.
The judgment seat of Christ is mentioned only once, 2 Corinthians 5:10;
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad".

And the great white throne judgment is only mentioned once in Scripture,.
Revelation 20:11-15;

[SUP]11 [/SUP]Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. [SUP]12 [/SUP]And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. [SUP]13 [/SUP]The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. [SUP]14 [/SUP]Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. [SUP]15 [/SUP]Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
NIV - Bible Gateway

So the question becomes "What is the difference between the two and are they separate events?"
My contention is that NO!, they are not separate events.
We all appear before the great white throne judgment.
The difference being that we have Jesus as our advocate, and his mercy seat saves us from eternal damnation.


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2016
I agree with you. I also feel saved and safe in the arms of the Lord. There's no way I'd get to be in God's presence if it depended on me. I fail so many times and I know it.

It's been many years that Jesus spoke to me and I don't see how I could ever desert Him.
But does this mean it's impossible?

Why did both Jesus and the Apostles, incl Paul, beg us to live a Godly life and to hold firm till the end, and all those other warnings if it's not possible to lose salvation? Why waste their breath? it seems to me that if they did this, then they did it for a reason - to keep us safe and make us understand that we're to hold on.

Fran[/QUOTEYou've said this before.
They seem to have said this and they seem to have said that.
But you have no sound Scripture to back it up.
You are placing your beliefs on your feelings and not on God's word.


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2016
I don't know.
I had asked you to tell me about MacArthur in a post to you earlier on.

Your post early on was very chaotic.I would never have answered you under those conditions.
So where were we about MacArthur, there is so much to say.
Oh yes, Lordship doctrine.
Kind of big to tackle by such a little man as me.
And it would derail this thread.
If you wish to start a new thread on MacArthur, I bet a lot of other knowledgeable people would join in.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2016
From what I have read in the Bible and studied in theology, there are three historical positions on whether we can lose our salvation.

1. Arminianism They believe you can lose your salvation, if you walk away from God, or show no works that they have been saved, including repentance. This is a centuries old doctrine. You may agree or disagree. But I do not think you can call it a heresy. Methodism,(including the Salvation Army, which comes out of Methodism; most Pentecostals and charismatics believe this.

2. Eternal security - what I call the "Baptist" doctrine, since that is where I first learned of it. (Not saying everyone has to be a Baptist to believe in eternal security, that is just my label!) This is not Calvinism, but it is a doctrine which says, that once you are saved, God is going to keep you in his hands. And that God's love is so amazing, no one will walk away. I tend to this belief system. It is a little newer, but not a heresy. Also it is the viewpoint of the OP, apparently.

3. Calvinism - This is also an historical doctrine, followed by millions of people in the Reformed and Presbyterian churches. There are 5 points, and it includes the fact that God gives us the perseverance to continue to the end, which is quite Biblical. There are extreme Calvinists, called superlapsarianists, and they do not think they can know if they are saved till they die. Which is basically a Catholic doctrine. However, they are considered extremists.

4. Oops. Forgot about the Catholics. A system of works, whereby you are sanctified gradually into Justification. So you cannot ever know if you are saved, until you are "purified" in purgatory. In my opinion, although a billion Catholics may disagree, this is the one heresy, that simply has no Biblical support.

So, probably best if we examine the Scriptures, and determine what they say. I really detest long, closely spaced posts that are little more than rants. And I do believe in eternal security, just not the way this OP and subsequent posts by the OP were written. Again, the OP would be much better to write out himself what he believes, rather than these copy and pastes!

Hi Angela, I could be wrong, but from what I understand, the Eternal Security group might be a 4 point Calvinist or Dispensationalists.
Dec 12, 2013
I wasn't going to answer but the "end of story" got to me! Sorry.

It's not the end of the story!
Would you like to take one verse at a time?
I'm not going to throw verses back and forth. it's a waste of time.

Would you care to answer WHY Jesus and the Apostles placed so much attention on WORKS (sorry!) IF they aren't important? On enduring to the end? On holding fast to one's faith? On not falling away?

Do you think the early church Father's knew this doctrine of OSAS? Or do you suppose it came about after John Calvin was born?

Instead of throwing verses around, could you answer the above? OR, we could take one verse at a time.

Nothing you say will negate the eternal security found in the scriptures....sorry...context solves all issues and verb tense proves could care less about Calvin, could care less what any so called (church fathers) said, taught or believed as there is no such thing......Jesus started his church, instructed his church and finalized those instructions dia the inspired word of GOD not church need to try and convince me that one can lose is impossible....END OF STORY!


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2011

Hi Angela, I could be wrong, but from what I understand, the Eternal Security group might be a 4 point Calvinist or Dispensationalists.

Not the people I went to seminary with. In theology, we discussed soteriology at length. When we talked about Calvinism, people ranged from 1 point Calvinism to 5 point. But all did believe in eternal security. I'm not sure which point the one pointer agreed with. There were also quite a few 2 1/2 pointers, which I was at that time. Although I have changed on that point, since then.

I suppose there were some at my seminary who did not believe in eternal security at all. We had several charismatics and Pentecostals, But somehow, the arguments were never vicious. Yep, most of those students were pretty loving. We had quite a few Reformed, Lutherans, Mennonites (another group who usually are Arminian) Anglicans, non-denoms, etc at my seminary. We had a really good reputation in the Christian Community in Canada. Very high standards theologically, but no one forced to sign a statement of faith, or kicked out if they didn't agree with certain things. And I never imagined things could be disputed they way they are in the BDF. A good learning lesson, here!

Even in my Greek class, I know more about heresies (I'm talking JW's, Mormans, etc) than anyone in my class, except the professor. And some of the men have been in ministry a long time. I guess CC has really had me sharpen that iron!
Feb 28, 2016
YES, as heart-breaking as it is, there are those who truly Love their Saviour, with what
I will call, 'all of their hearts', because, this is what the scriptures tell me, this is what I have read,
'over-and-over',- BUT, as 'heart-breaking' as this is, there truly are 'those' who say that they Love Him,
but seem to most always 'forsake' HIM, at their personal-cost of 'getting their own way'...!!!

for many, even after being given Spiritual knowledge they will choose to TURN-AWAY from what they have
been blessed with and even shown what 'PURE LOVE IS'...this is just one way of showing how powerful
satan's ways are...we are a very 'weak-species', and can only be 'empowered' by The Holy Spirit,
when we accept His ways, and submit to His ways, in ALL THINGS...


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2011
Hi Angela,

Not only did you forget about Catholics, you didn't properly represent them.
You've made so many mistakes in your statements that I hate to take the time to fix them:
Just quick:

1. Catholics do not believe that you are saved by works. They believe that you are saved by grace through faith.
Ephesians 2:8

2. They believe that Justification is a work of God. If they baptize babies, how could it NOT be??

3. Sanctification is an ongoing process. Protestants also believe this. We are Justified, we are Sanctified by works through a cooperation between us and God, and in the end, we are Glorified (at death).

4. Purgatory is not a third place where one goes to be purified to KNOW if he is saved.
One knows if he is saved at death if he is in God's grace (friendly with God). IF he needs purgatory for some remaining sin, then that's where he goes until he is purified, as you said.

I'm not Catholic and don't believe in purgatory because it would mean that Christ's sacrifice was not sufficient. However, I do know the doctrine and hate to let mistakes go by.


If you aren't a Catholic, have you at least studied theology? That would be a good starting point for you.

"Salvation, in Roman Catholicism, is a process with many steps: Actual Grace, Faith, Good Works, Baptism, Participation in the Sacraments, Penance, Indulgences, and Keeping the Commandments. Basically, salvation is attained through baptism and good works. It is maintained by good works and participation in the sacraments. If lost, it is regained through the sacrament of Penance which only a Roman Catholic priest can administer. Add to this purgatorial cleansing after a person dies, and you can see that salvation is an arduous process.In Catholicism, a person can gain salvation and lose it many times depending on the number of sins committed, their severity, and how much of the sacraments they participate in--in order to regain grace which enables them to do good works by which they are justified. Furthermore, justifying grace is infused into the Catholic upon baptism and via the sacraments. This grace can be gradually lost through venial sins or forfeited all together with mortal sins."

As far as justification, it is the end point that counts in the RCC and Orthodox churches. in other words, Baptism is all very well and good in infants, but in fact, if you grow up and fall away from the church (maybe not God?) then you lose your justification. Justification in the Protestant church is the initial experience when God saves, forgives and redeems. Permanent justification, again, is something that happens at the end of a Catholics' life, and they do not know if they have accomplished it or not. Hence the need for the Eucharist on the death bed of Catholics. I watche with grief and sadness as a beloved uncle went through this vicious cycle of needing the Eucharist daily, to keep him "sanctified" on his death bed.

"Broadly speaking, Catholic and Orthodox Christians distinguish between initial justification, which in their view occurs at baptism, and permanent justification, accomplished after a lifetime of striving to do God's will."

"What Sungenis is saying is that Christ's death merely appeased God's anger against man. He persuades God to relent of his anger and to offer a means of forgiveness to man. And that means is through man's own works cooperating with the grace of God. Grace is not the activity of God in Christ purchasing and accomplishing full salvation and eternal life and applying this to man as a gift. And it is not a completed work. Rather, grace is a supernatural quality, infused into the soul of man through the sacraments, enabling him to do works of expiation and righteousness. These works then become the basis of justification. In the Roman theology of justification there is an ongoing need to deal with sin in order to maintain a state of grace, and a need for positive acts of righteousness, which originate from that grace and then become the basis for one’s justification. So man’s works must be added to the work of Christ, in particular, the work of the sacraments. Consequently, justification is not a once–for–all declaration of righteousness based upon the imputed righteousness of Christ, but a process that is dependent upon the righteousness of man produced through infused grace."

I read a lot of Catholic on-line sources, too. They are very subtle, but here is one statement that really shows us the "sanctification by works." Please note how quickly we suddenly can have "merit" not just for ourselves but others. I had a Catholic friend once, who constantly talked about how her actions were going to result in her wayward and philandering husband being saved. I also finally cut off contact with her, since I could not justify her insane sexual exploits as being anything Christian.

"Since the initiative belongs to God in the order of grace, no one can merit the initial grace of forgiveness and justification, at the beginning of conversion. Moved by the Holy Spirit and by charity, we can then merit for ourselves and for others the graces needed for our sanctification, for the increase of grace and charity, and for the attainment of eternal life. Even temporal goods like health and friendship can be merited in accordance with God's wisdom. These graces and goods are the object of Christian prayer. Prayer attends to the grace we need for meritorious actions."

If you read the Catholic documents, they do sound quite Protestant, until you begin to see the exceptions to the rule. Which basically means, as I said before, although Catholics are justified at water baptism, the entire thing is based on the church, and the relationship with the church. Not Jesus or the Holy Spirit, although they pay lip service to him. A terrible monument to how a hierarchy can totally twist the
Bible. And whle the Arminians say we can walk away from God, Catholics maintain we can and do walk away, but it is the church that is necessary to bring us back, over and over and over again.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2016
Not the people I went to seminary with. In theology, we discussed soteriology at length. When we talked about Calvinism, people ranged from 1 point Calvinism to 5 point. But all did believe in eternal security. I'm not sure which point the one pointer agreed with. There were also quite a few 2 1/2 pointers, which I was at that time. Although I have changed on that point, since then.

I suppose there were some at my seminary who did not believe in eternal security at all. We had several charismatics and Pentecostals, But somehow, the arguments were never vicious. Yep, most of those students were pretty loving. We had quite a few Reformed, Lutherans, Mennonites (another group who usually are Arminian) Anglicans, non-denoms, etc at my seminary. We had a really good reputation in the Christian Community in Canada. Very high standards theologically, but no one forced to sign a statement of faith, or kicked out if they didn't agree with certain things. And I never imagined things could be disputed they way they are in the BDF. A good learning lesson, here!

Even in my Greek class, I know more about heresies (I'm talking JW's, Mormans, etc) than anyone in my class, except the professor. And some of the men have been in ministry a long time. I guess CC has really had me sharpen that iron!

Which seminary are you attending or attended? Sounds fascinating. I love studying God's word, but I can't go to classes for health reasons so I settle on bible studies online. :)

I thought maybe you were separating in your list the Eternal Security group from the Calvinists.

The four pointers I know of don't agree with the limited atonement part, but other 4 pointers might take issue with a different part of the tulip.

And I've seen Dispensationalist that don't agree with all of the tulip and some who don't agree with any of the tulip. Personally, I just don't like labels and don't claim one. :)

It would be so nice here if we could learn to respect one another when we disagree.

Personally, I like the term 'assurance of salvation' - I think it explains our standing in the Lord a little more accurately.

I do believe believers can apostasize, that people can leave the faith. Jesus said there would be a great apostasy before the end.

But I also think that there's a difference in how God sees things and how we see them. God clearly knows those who are His. We can be deceived in thinking we're saved and walking in the truth.

Those who who truly love the Lord will walk in obedience. I don't believe we can continue to live a life of sin and think we'll be saved as some teach.

The strange sad thing is that some Calvinists I speak with don't know if they're one of the chosen or not so they don't know if they're truly saved.

I think the difference from seminary and here if that you are, as a student placing yourself under a teacher who knows and has studied the scriptures in depth. The student normally automatically respects the teacher.

Here we have disciple to disciple all learning and growing in the Lord without the respect we should have for each other. But we also have unbelievers in here and probably some tales as well. It's a prescription for explosive attitudes me thinks.
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