Recent content by gad22

  1. gad22


    Hello all. I'd like to request prayer for me as I have not been able to fall asleep every night for the past few months. It worsens my migraines and leaves me tired, frustrated and incapacitated during the day time. Even though I take sleeping pills, they hardly work on me. I know good sleep is...
  2. gad22

    To my Beloved

    I want to jump and shout with joy, and wave my hands from side to side. I'm so in love with You my Lord. Its a love affair I cannot hide! You bring excitement to my feet, I'm not ashamed to dance for You! with words of worship on my lips I praise, but let my words be few. For words will fail...
  3. gad22

    Signs that I should break up with my boyfriend

    Im starting to feel like my boyfriend is avoiding me... what are the signs that my relationship has to come to an end??
  4. gad22

    whats going on in India??

    I just read about a 5 year old girl who was admitted in critical condition into a hospital after being kidnapped and repeatedly raped by a man in his 30s... whats worse were the things done to her... it was said that a 200ml bottle and pieces of candles were inserted into her private parts :(:(...
  5. gad22

    "You broke down my wall"

    A poem I wrote to share how God broke right through the wall I created out of fear and a reminder that He will break through yours too and release you from whatever is binding you and holding you back from running the race He put ahead of you... Hope you will be blessed :):) I built a wall...
  6. gad22

    Your list of 'Things I want to do before I die"

    I think we all have a list of the things we want to accomplish before our time on Earth ends and God takes us away... yes, we all can say our goal is to fulfill God's plan in our lives... but a few other things are also there I guess... Mine are to travel the world, become a missionary, open an...
  7. gad22

    Who you are...

    sooo... I wrote this poem a few years ago... and I ultimately made it into a song... Hope you all like it :) For God's glory... :):) Grace that saw me through the eyes of sin, Love that looked past who I was to see whats within.. Mercy's throne You left for me, You traded peace for my misery...
  8. gad22

    You know you're dating the wrong person when......

    so... what really are the signs that you're with the wrong guy/girl??
  9. gad22

    deleting a thread

    is it possible to delete a thread that I started?? if yes, how? thankyou!
  10. gad22

    phone sex- a sin?

    I've got a friend who told me phone sex isnt a sin cuz its just imaginary and doesn't really happen.... I told him its a compromise of our purity... And its a way we allow our the desires of our body to be fulfilled instead of being strong in our spirit.... Please post your suggestions....
  11. gad22

    cry of a broken heart

    A poem I wrote in the midst of my pain.... The only way I could express my feelings.... Oh cant you see my broken heart? The pieces that cry out to you! Not one day more can I hold on Please do something only You can do!! Useless tears that choke my throat Mean nothing to those who make me...
  12. gad22

    Dare to be different!

    Just felt the need to share what God put in my heart today! We were called to be different.... Called to be extraordinary....called to stand out and not to blend in.... Called to bring change in this world and not to be changed by it! Remember brothers and sisters in Christ.... HE has called us...
  13. gad22

    Light up the sky!!

    It was the first night away from home.... A new college thousands of kilometres away from the security and comfort of my family.... Alone I laid in the bed of my new hostel with tears in my eyes.... How-d I survive five years away from my family in a place where I'd have to find my own path...
  14. gad22

    broken hearted

    To be in love for so feel wanted for so long.... But to finally find out that I'm not longer wanted.... No longer good enough.... No longer loved by him.... Its so hard.... ;( please help.... My wounds keep tearing open every time before I even get enough time for them to heal.... God...
  15. gad22


    Is contemplating suicide a sin????