Recent content by triple-seven

  1. triple-seven

    Are you FOR me or AGAINST me!?

    This message will offend some...but I say blessed are you who are not offended because the Lord is never in the wrong and all His ways are right and true. Everything I say in this thread can be backed up with scripture. Jesus says that friendship with the world is enmity towards God. That...
  2. triple-seven

    "Seriously the best"?

    So...where to begin...long story short...I like a Christian girl who has a boyfriend. I know, I know, I shouldn't. But I feel like I connect with her...and random things happen...I feel prompted to pray for her so I do, then she tells me how she almost died but God stepped in and did something...
  3. triple-seven


    Simply stated, I want to apologize for judging. I have read a lot of posts on here from people who struggle with sexual immorality, and I thought in my heart: "these people are weak" and ever since I had that thought in my heart, the Lord has lifted some of His grace and strength off of my life...
  4. triple-seven

    really? REALLY?

    I have read so many threads on here of young people that are struggling, and how hard it is to hold on to their virginity at age 17 or 18, or 20. To everyone who thinks it's impossible, I'm going to set the record straight. I'm a 31 year old male, and I have dated a lot of women. Some were...
  5. triple-seven

    The Deity of the Christ

    A lot of people don't understand this subject. I admit, it is a difficult one to wrap your mind around at times. But the word of God is very clear. I speak these verses as an encouragement. Let this Jesus be the cornerstone of your faith for He is the only sure foundation. If anyone wants the...