This is true! Interesting times indeed. Surely it takes a great investment in time and mental/intellectual faculties to follow all the players and who said what to whom and who did what when and why. And then it comes down to he said/she said and a lot of hearsay. It seems like a lot of work that my brain or mind looks at the complexity of and decides, it is too much to try to sort out all the details. The big picture is a different story, though, and certainly as a Christian it seems we can distill it all down to more elemental forces. History likewise eluded me for a very long time; perhaps it was the way it was presented in school, a mere rote memorizing of facts and figures that was so dry it did not engage me. That has changed with age... as I love a good historical drama. The monarchy, for instance, is fascinating historically, and I have watched a lot of shows, series, documentaries, movies, etc, on them, and enjoyed a great many of them... books, too! But don't expect me to be able to tell you who King Edward XIV was. LOL. Oh. He doesn't exist. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Maybe I am thinking of Louis. Or VI.