God is not grace? WHAT??????????
1. God knew mankind would reject him, Become his enemy, Want nothing to do with him, Yet God created them inspite of these FACTS
2. God knew man would replace him with other Gods, Even making them self God. Yet he still created them
3. God knew man would take his truth,, twist it, distort it, and make false truths, and kill each over over these truths, and many men would follow these false truth (more so than will follow his exact truth) Yet God still created them
4. God knew man would rape, pillage, murder, do unspeakable things to their fellow humans so horrific even the heathen is horrified at the insanity, Yet God still created them
5. God created a nation, Called this nation his chosen, Knowing they would reject their creator, they would worship other gods, and want nothing to do with the god who created them, Yet God created them anyway, and allowed them for centuries to continue in his sin (slow to wrath) Because of his unfailing grace
6. God is so graceful that he continues to let evil run the world. because he is willing that non, even some of these evil people, should perish, but all should come to eternal life (see Saul/Paul)
I think people miss the picture of what God is, God is love, God is grace, God is mercy, God is forgiveness, He is the complete picture of what these things are. And we should follow him, and become these things ourselves.