Okay, now that I have your attention....
One of the main things that is troublesome to my soul, are those who believe one must strive to live the "Christian life" in order to remain saved. They believe that if you sin too much after your conversion, you can lose your salvation. Or they believe you can "give" your salvation back to God and walk away. Or, they'll say, if you don't live and act in a Christian "manner" it proves you were never saved at all.
I wanted to point out, that if one can lose their salvation, based on their performance in any way, then that makes God a liar.
Jesus said that He gives us eternal life, and that we shall never perish, and that no one can snatch us out of His, or the Father's hand. (John 3:16, 10: 28-29)
If we can lose our salvation, then we will perish, and we will indeed be snatched out of the hands of Jesus and the Father.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says that we have been sealed by the Holy Spirit which is a pledge guaranteeing our inheritance. (Ephesians 1:13-14, 2 Corinthians 1:22, 5:5)
If we can lose our salvation, then there is no guarantee of our inheritance and the seal of the Holy Spirit is conditional.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
If we can lose our salvation, then Jesus has left and forsaken us.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says Jesus always lives to make intercession for us. (Hebrews 7:25)
If we can lose our salvation, then Jesus will not always make intercession for us - only while we remain saved.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says we are sealed for the Day of Redemption. (Ephesians 4:30)
If we can lose our salvation, then we are not sealed until the Day of Redemption, but only up until we are lost again.
Verdict: God LIED.
Jesus said that He will lose none of us, but will raise us up on the last day. (John 6:39)
If we can lose our salvation, then Jesus will, in fact, lose some of us, and will not raise us up on the last day.
Verdict: God LIED.
Jesus said that believers will never come into judgment, and have passed from death into life. (John 5:24)
If we can lose our salvation, then we will go back under judgment, and pass from life back into death.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says our calling is irrevocable. (Roman 11:29)
If we can lose our salvation, then our calling is indeed revocable.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says salvation is a gift from God. (Ephesians 2:8)
If we can lose our salvation, then salvation is not a gift, but a wage to be earned.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says nothing in all creation (that includes us as created beings) can separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39)
If we can lose our salvation, then something can indeed separate us from the love of God.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says God will complete the good work that He began in us. (Philippians 1:6)
If we can lose our salvation, then God's good work will not be completed.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says we have been perfected for all time. (Hebrews 10:14)
If we can lose our salvation, then we certainly are not perfected for all time.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says our inheritance is imperishable, can never spoil, and is unfading, guarded by God's power. (1 Peter 1:3-5)
If we can lose our salvation, then our inheritance will perish, will spoil, and will fade.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says if we drink from the living water that is Christ, we will never be thirsty again. (John 4:14)
If we can lose our salvation, then we will indeed be thirsty again.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says God will sustain us to the end, guiltless in the day of the Lord Jesus. (1 Corinthians 1:8)
If we can lose our salvation, then we will not be sustained until the day of the Lord.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says that our debt to God has been canceled through Christ Jesus. (Colossians 2:13-14)
If we can lose our salvation, our debt has not truly been canceled.
Verdict: God LIED.
Jesus said that those who are His will never hunger nor thirst again. (John 6:35)
If we can lose our salvation, then we will again hunger and thirst.
Verdict: God LIED.
So, what is your verdict? Did God lie to us when He made all of those promises, or is our salvation indeed eternal and irrevocable?
One of the main things that is troublesome to my soul, are those who believe one must strive to live the "Christian life" in order to remain saved. They believe that if you sin too much after your conversion, you can lose your salvation. Or they believe you can "give" your salvation back to God and walk away. Or, they'll say, if you don't live and act in a Christian "manner" it proves you were never saved at all.
I wanted to point out, that if one can lose their salvation, based on their performance in any way, then that makes God a liar.
Jesus said that He gives us eternal life, and that we shall never perish, and that no one can snatch us out of His, or the Father's hand. (John 3:16, 10: 28-29)
If we can lose our salvation, then we will perish, and we will indeed be snatched out of the hands of Jesus and the Father.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says that we have been sealed by the Holy Spirit which is a pledge guaranteeing our inheritance. (Ephesians 1:13-14, 2 Corinthians 1:22, 5:5)
If we can lose our salvation, then there is no guarantee of our inheritance and the seal of the Holy Spirit is conditional.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
If we can lose our salvation, then Jesus has left and forsaken us.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says Jesus always lives to make intercession for us. (Hebrews 7:25)
If we can lose our salvation, then Jesus will not always make intercession for us - only while we remain saved.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says we are sealed for the Day of Redemption. (Ephesians 4:30)
If we can lose our salvation, then we are not sealed until the Day of Redemption, but only up until we are lost again.
Verdict: God LIED.
Jesus said that He will lose none of us, but will raise us up on the last day. (John 6:39)
If we can lose our salvation, then Jesus will, in fact, lose some of us, and will not raise us up on the last day.
Verdict: God LIED.
Jesus said that believers will never come into judgment, and have passed from death into life. (John 5:24)
If we can lose our salvation, then we will go back under judgment, and pass from life back into death.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says our calling is irrevocable. (Roman 11:29)
If we can lose our salvation, then our calling is indeed revocable.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says salvation is a gift from God. (Ephesians 2:8)
If we can lose our salvation, then salvation is not a gift, but a wage to be earned.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says nothing in all creation (that includes us as created beings) can separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39)
If we can lose our salvation, then something can indeed separate us from the love of God.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says God will complete the good work that He began in us. (Philippians 1:6)
If we can lose our salvation, then God's good work will not be completed.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says we have been perfected for all time. (Hebrews 10:14)
If we can lose our salvation, then we certainly are not perfected for all time.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says our inheritance is imperishable, can never spoil, and is unfading, guarded by God's power. (1 Peter 1:3-5)
If we can lose our salvation, then our inheritance will perish, will spoil, and will fade.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says if we drink from the living water that is Christ, we will never be thirsty again. (John 4:14)
If we can lose our salvation, then we will indeed be thirsty again.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says God will sustain us to the end, guiltless in the day of the Lord Jesus. (1 Corinthians 1:8)
If we can lose our salvation, then we will not be sustained until the day of the Lord.
Verdict: God LIED.
The Bible says that our debt to God has been canceled through Christ Jesus. (Colossians 2:13-14)
If we can lose our salvation, our debt has not truly been canceled.
Verdict: God LIED.
Jesus said that those who are His will never hunger nor thirst again. (John 6:35)
If we can lose our salvation, then we will again hunger and thirst.
Verdict: God LIED.
So, what is your verdict? Did God lie to us when He made all of those promises, or is our salvation indeed eternal and irrevocable?
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