[DOUBLE POST] sry...will post this again later...
Let me put it like this:
example: The scholars of the esv translation basically have a "bent" toward Reformed Theology
--when it came to their "translating"
Rev13:8, rather than sticking to
what the text says ('
slain FROM [apo] the foundation of the world'), they allowed their "bent" to
impact translation, and thus came up with their "
interpretation" of that verse (as saying),
"written BEFORE [pro] the foundation of the world" (by
their view of this being "no different" from the
other "similar-sounding" phrase, found elsewhere in Scripture--however, they ARE indeed different!)
this is the point that Kenneth Wuest is pointing out in his long article I posted some pages back, about our present word under discussion ('
apostasia') and how the kjv translators chose to [rather] "
interpret" instead of "translate" (the word at its most
BASIC meaning , apart from
injecting outside "ideas" INTO this word from other texts [i.e. obtained from
their surrounding
So yes, I do believe things like this can color "translation," and "interpretation," and "definitions"...
When one can easily disregard "chronology issues" (to come to the conclusions they do on the Subject of "eschatology"), why not question what else they might be looking at
according to their own "bent," or "glasses," so to speak, especially when I've pointed out sources from back as far as the 1300s showing the word was translated (among some of the first English translations BEFORE the kjv)
as "[a] departing," or "departure"... and how the
Liddell and Scott Greek-English Lexicon shows... where it says this word is a "
LATER FORM FOR apostasis" [
apo stasis - 'a standing away-from'] (meaning,
the same word) and defined as
What are you seeing wrong with this? I personally do not care what view he holds to, as far as eschatology, but I HAVE witnessed where one's "bent" has IMPACTED
"translation" (to
instead, be providing
an "interpretation"... like in the above-mentioned example of the esv translators [with their "Reformed" bent] impacting the "translation" of Rev13:8...
"[Lamb] slain FROM [apo] the foundation of the world"
is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT IDEA to that of "
[names] written BEFORE [pro] the foundation of the world"... the text actually states the FORMER of these two; whereas the esv "
interprets" [not "translates"] it to be saying the LATTER. The text itself doesn't say that though!
and beware!] of the particular "glasses"...

Nothing wrong at all with that!
if it impacts the actual text of Scripture, etc...

That's all I'm saying...
in agreement with ONE OF the points made, in the KS Wuest long article I posted,
about our present word under discussion.)