Whether one likes it or not faith always has the element of obeying God. James tells us faith without works is dead,Jesus tells us if we love Him we will keep and obey His commandments. See it goes into knowing Him,loving Him trusting Him and obeying Him,and it's in the obeying Him that works comes in. If one is not obeying Him how can one say they love Him? Works comes out of FAITH. Revelation 12,14 and 22 is no different then what Jesus already told us. And Jesus did tell us HOW to keep commandments and that is first to love the Lord your God with all your heart,mind,soul and strength and two to love our neighbor as our self. Remember they BELIEVED GOD and they obeyed. And it is still the same for us.
Whether one likes it or not faith always has the element of obeying God. James tells us faith without works is dead,Jesus tells us if we love Him we will keep and obey His commandments. See it goes into knowing Him,loving Him trusting Him and obeying Him,and it's in the obeying Him that works comes in. If one is not obeying Him how can one say they love Him? Works comes out of FAITH. Revelation 12,14 and 22 is no different then what Jesus already told us. And Jesus did tell us HOW to keep commandments and that is first to love the Lord your God with all your heart,mind,soul and strength and two to love our neighbor as our self. Remember they BELIEVED GOD and they obeyed. And it is still the same for us.
And salvation will also be purely by works in the Millennial Kingdom since both Jews and Gentiles we see Jesus physically reigning from Jerusalem.
Revelation 22:14 KJV
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
There is no mention of faith in that verse. That is because people will not be required to have faith in the Millennial Kingdom. It will strictly be.either obedience or disobedience.
Now where I do agree with you Sarah, is that if we love Jesus, then we should truly have a desire to keep his words and His commandments. We should want to obey Him and His word.