following is all in the NT, the early church as it is commonly called. this is in the Bible, no one is making it up. I guess you either believe what is written or you deny what is plainly written. it's your choice.
Paul greets Phoebe in Romans 16 as a deacon of the church and Junia, whom Paul addresses as prominent among the Apostles
Priscilla is acknowledged as a teacher along with her husband, Aquila in Acts 18. 26
in fact, Priscilla corrected Paul...and Paul took it
The four daughters of Philip are spoken of as exercising the gift of prophecy in the same verse, Acts 18
Acts 18:26, Priscilla is acknowledged as a teacher, along with her husband Aquila
the four daughters of Philip in Acts 21:9, exercised the gift of prophecy or inspired speech. and they were not married
this is all in the New Testament, so all excuses or opinions stating that women should always be silent are obviously missing something