Christ's death on the cross is my shield....and my salvation. Whom shall I fear ?
NO I'm telling you to trust in GOD's WORD which is the Bible. You can believe Paulnsilas twisted vision of me, but if you read my words without her poisoned view you would see. I have told again and again. the MESSAGE is important not the messanger. and the MESSAGE should NEVER go against God's written and REVEALED words: the Holy BIBLE.
My message is nothing NEW, just bringing it to people's minds and reminding people that GOD is in control of the world.
Do you have a problem with that? will i have to block you too?
I'm just trying to learn about God's word and finding out how to gain courage to tell people about God's love and all i get for you and HER is attacks on me and my words by twisting my meaning and purpose and heart.
IF you bothered reading i said that GOD be glorified and I would rather not be known. thus the FAKE name on the internet. I don't speak of demons in public. I just pray and comfort people.
I see them, I hear them ,but I don't speak of them. I don't warn people, I just give them scriptures and pray for them, because people are SCARED of demons and the supernatural. their faith is not strong enough to understand what I'm talking about when I tell them that the SPIRIT inside us is stronger then that which is in the world. that God gave us not a spirit of Fear but of Love, Kindness and a sound mind.
Judge me if you want. but judge me by MY WORDS not HERS of me.
For she speaks lies of me and slanders my heart and tells me that I am not a child of God and that the Holy Spirit that resides in me is a familiar spirit or DEMON. She tells me that she does not have to pray for me or even be nice because I am a false prophet. She tells me that I am leading people to hell.
I seek to lead no one. I seek to protect and comfort and strengthen their faith in GOD not me GOD and to lead them to a family of believers to comfort and help and aid them to build resistance to the evils of the world.
God gave me the gift to discern spirits. He gives me dreams of the people I will meet the next day so that when I awaken I will read my Bible, pray and find the words needed to comfort and lead them to HIM. that is what i refer to as the gift of prophecy.
Do you find that offensive and unbiblical?
I do not tell them to do any of the trash Paulnsilas accuses me of. SHE WORSHIPED DEMONS and was into the occult. why do you believe her words and her vision of me, when you can read MINE and think and pray and decide for yourself. even Satan can quote the bible and pretends to be an angel of light. I see a wolf and others on the site confirm she is a blocked person come back under another name. think of that when you read her poison.