Lord you alone are worthy, you are the King of king, Lord of lords, bright morning star. The balm in Goliad that heals the sin sick soul. My strong tower that I run into and I am saved every time. That rally is none like you. You let little ol’ me come into your presence, I don’t know why. I get to come boldly before the throne of grace and receive mercy… how cool is that. Because You are Love!!!Your love and mercy is amazing. I need you Dad. I know that you know I need you but I want you to know I know it too. See it don’t breath unless you give me breath then I ask you for stupid things like favor with my customers and you do something that silly. Please let me do what is right in your eyes and not my own you made me formed me in my mother’s womb you knew what you were getting but you still chose to reveal yourself to me. Daddy let me honor you with all of my days. There is none like you. Daddy you created all you rule the earth, above the earth, beneath the earth. The earth is your footstool. If you just speak it, it happens. Look at creation. You said light be and it has never stopped but yet you bend your ear to listen to me. You have captured every tear in your bottle I am the apple of your eye. Daddy I need you, I love you. The greatest thing you are G-d with your G-d stuff but yet you are a man that gets it, you interceded for me day and night. Be my G-d because I need G-d, I need you. I love it you are not fake but my Dad. I love you Daddy.