What I say may come out wrong, so forgive me if I don't phrase this question right, but, if we could just ask forgiveness from God for our sins, what was the point of Christ dying for them?
This is a good question. It goes to the heart of what sin is.
Is sin just part of the nature of man, part of his state and creation or a reflection of a problem
that can be solved?
God is saying the problem with sin is because of not knowing God, and love, and our own hearts.
God is the source of life, cut Him off, and we die. You cannot hack a branch from a tree and
expect it to live.
But once broken, how can this relationship be reestablished and how can life begin to flow again?
Becoming a jew was part of the idea, understanding the law and righteousness, and having faith
in the author. But all this was a shadow of Gods heart. Jesus represents the ultimate statement
of love and who God is. Jesus gives us the faith and confidence to know the foundation on which
we stand.
So saying you can have this relationship, in its purest form, its most open declaration and still sin,
is to deny the very nature of the statement of Christ.
People use the word sin like it is something singular, but it is very much many different issues.
Equally resolution is not a simple case of simplicity, but of reconciliation, honesty, openness.
Peter denied Jesus, but there is not a definition of this break in the law, but it was very real.
Judas did completely break his relationship, but again there is no definition in law about this.
So the law is limited, though fantastic, it is a pointer of issues rather than a definer of them or
even a resolver.
Now the true legalists go fear is evil, lack of faith is evil, and probably many other things that I
am not aware of, but which you could argue is a problem.
But in the end God is saying "Do you love me, Do you repent and want to walk in my ways?"
So using the law as more than a guide of principle becomes failure, and reject it completely and
conviction of sin, is also wrong.
Now we all experience relationship problems when we upset others. So upsetting the Lord matters,
and I know many miss-use His words, disown His principles, which upset Him. But if you have no
sensitivity to this or a possibility things are wrong, it is likely you have become hard hearted and fallen
into error.
Does this answer your question?