Your nothing more than a liar dude.....
QUOTE=Viligant_Warrior;2076299]There is a heretical false teacher on this board who loves to put up partial posts of Jesus' final sermon in John 15. He usually only deals with vv. 1-6 as "proof" of his false gospel, that Christians can lose their salvation by not being perfectly obedient. In doing so, he illegitimately removes the context of the entire passage, and he at the same time utterly fails to deal with the original Greek that proves his lies to be just that.
I am going to refute this false view through a careful exegesis of the entire passage. I warn you now, this is going to be a long post, so I apologize, I know it is not wise to spew words upon words upon words for fear of losing the interest of the reader, but this is important, and I would urge you to read through what God has led me to post. Thanks in advance if you do, and if you do not, I understand that you don’t want to deal with the tediousness of reading such a long tome.
He said NOTHING about being inspired to WRITE IT.....
All your posts about sin causing to lose one's salvation......good luck with your above LIE and misrepresentation of the truth!
You owe him and everyone in here an apology!