(I added the "..." basically because I think there was some sort of punctuation intended)
That particular quote seems of significance. I have no problem with the idea of the Holy Spirit being ON someone prior to the outpouring on the day of Pentecost. I don't even have a problem with the Spirit being IN someone on occasion prior to the day of Pentecost. The Spirit came and went as he saw fit throughout the old testament.
What I understand the promise (of the Holy Ghost) to be is that of God making his abode with us. The Spirit coming in to stay, not just coming to pass...coming to stay.
And I can see where Jesus is breathing on them and commanding them to receive the Holy Ghost in John 20, but I don't see it stated that they actually completed that command in John 20. Especially if you believe that "receiving" the holy ghost is the same as "being baptized with" the Holy Ghost. Do you think those two things are the same or different?
Love in Jesus,
First let me say this is not addressed to you, but I have issue with some who do not correctly write Pertianing to GOD and the Holy Spiirt and use (s) (g) in context to God of the Bible.
The Holy Spirit is God= He has attributes :
This is important because many read Acts 1:8 and Acts 2 and miss John 20:22 .
The Working of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament was HE would come On one to do an explote. Now the Holy As Jesus said will come upon you and BE IN YOU. Same Holy Spirit differnt application as I see in scripture.
The Holy Spirit is God therfore HE is Everywhere Yet HE cannot be near IF HE so Chooses. example
Samson the Spirit of the Lord departed from him and he did not know, did that Mean an all presence of God was gone? No. It was in context to the relationship Samson had before Sin entered him.
God is here right now . He is everywhere, yet HE can still not be near you. JOhn 20:22 Jesus had rose from the dead , And HE now was able to have those who came to know HIM as Lord for salvation for all was possiable Rom 10:9-10
The role of the Holy Spirit after one is saved is Found in John 14 and 16 . When you were saved you were given the Holy Spirit to live in you. IF not you could not be saved. The Baptsim is the empowerment which did manifest in Acts 2 and throughout the Books of Acts. Power to be a witness not for salvation. they were already saved those on the Day of pentacost . I do not believe the Bible teachs one has to speak in tongues to be saved. I do see both tongues and propeshying as evidence of the empowerment from what I see in the Book of Acts.
Why do many want to box in the Holy Spirit to work only the way they understand? In 1cor 12, 13, and 14
It is very clear The Holy Spirit gifts are given as HE desires, and yet we are told to desire them . IF the Holy Spirit can be inside a person , can HE not at the time of His choosing use them ? And If they are seeking to be used will HE just say no?