Is Hell really an eternal fire?metaphor/ literal eg. If ur right hand causes you to sin , cut it off. Thats a metaphor. Who exactly is saved? Saviour of all men or Saviour of only Some? Why is there still a confusion. Is God not the author of confusion?
I am torn between two equally opposing beliefs that are both equally valid and both equal in evidence for . Saviour of all eventually/ only some
Now what distinguishes this world from heaven is this world is filled with sin. Everywhere you turn it appears to be there like you cannot escape it. You run from it and it keeps popping up everywhere. There are many many many sins! On the list of what can damn you to eternal hell. Saying you ‘fool’ , afraid to Preach Jesus to people, Arguing!, reading Astrology books about Stars!, walking away from a Homeless person who wants something from you !, being vain! , loving food, drinking alcohol, disobeying parents!, woman cutting her hair! wives failing to submit, division among believers ,having or making a graven image! /statue of angels?(What of artwork is idolatory, this has been argued for ages), loving fancy clothing, not being slow to speak, not blessing those who do evil against you, not turning the other cheek when people abuse you, not doing good to the ones who hate you, not giving to others who ask anything from you, Swearing and using Curse words, using God’s name inappropriately, using his name to curse, Self pity, Selfishness, Stubbornness, hypocrisy , gossiping , boasting , complaining , revenge ,Anxiety , worry , watching things contrary to all the doctrines in the Bible, thinking evil in your heart against anyone! , Depression, anger, fear , hatred, jealousy , lazyness, gluttony, looking lustfully , sexual immorality , pride , temper, you eat cookies while they are not necessary for you while there are starving children, watching of shows that depict the most abominable occult and withcraft eg. Harry Potter, the use of tarot cards which seem harmless when you look at them but are tied with witchcraft. Even buying things that have been worked upon some sort of suffering or slavery! How can you call yourself perfect when ‘in sin your mother conceived you ‘ ‘none is righteous not one’. We are all clearly guilty of something!
- Saviour of all men eventually? /Hell may not be eternal fire? That although Hell exists would it be for a temporary suffering / in a eternal state of misery away from God in punishment yet not unimanigable suffering of fire surely this cannot be a soul tormented like this? Fire is a terrible thing? For this to be torturing you forever? Really? But yes punishment exists perhaps? in a manner according to what one has done. Believers and Non believers we are all equal in deserving hell for not one of is righteous at all! If we claim to be we are liars he says! We all have some sin we are guilty of, when we are guilty of 1 , we are guilty of ALL and of HELLFIRE he said! For in sin was I conceived but if I confess he will cleanse me and I am saved. Even what I think is being righteous is filthy rags! For it is by Grace not of yourselves or of works lest any man boast. For your works are all filthy rags all have gone astray none are righteous , even perhaps a soul is completely destroyed forever. Be not afraid of the body being killed but the soul being destroyed in gehenna. Here is mention of destroy which means to cease to exist. Mal 4:3 - Then you will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I am preparing,” says the LORD of Hosts. Ps 37:20 - But the wicked and enemies of the LORD will perish like the glory of the fields. They will vanish; like smoke they will fade away. Ps 92:7 - that though the wicked sprout like grass, and all evildoers flourish, they will be forever destroyed. Suggesting a soul would even cease to exist. The expression, "Burn with fire" is a quintessentially Hebraic expression. While it is true that “burn with fire” is technically redundant, it was an expression used to convey a feeling of intensity and complete destruction, ie, not merely scorched. Here is a sample:
- Ex 12:10 - And you shall not leave any of it over until morning, but whatever is left of it until morning, you shall burn with fire [= completely destroy it]
- Ex 29:14 - But the flesh of the bull and its hide and its refuse, you shall burn with fire [= completely destroy it] outside the camp; it is a sin offering
- Lev 8:32 - The remainder of the flesh and of the bread you shall burn in the fire [= completely destroy it].
- Lev 13:57 - and if it appears again in the garment, whether in the warp or in the woof, or in any article of leather, it is an outbreak; the article with the mark shall be burned in the fire [= completely destroyed]
- Yet is this temporary eternal fire a metaphor just like where he says if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off. He didn’t mean literally did he an everlasting fire? Christ is a Sovereign Lord of Grace, saying he takes no delight in the wicked perishing, loving his enemies willing all to come to him, his will is that all men be saved, yet men by their own free will send their soul to seperation from God, but can man’s free will be more sovereign than God’s will? The will to save all men souls eventually reconciling a Sinful broken hearted world upon himself, a Power of Love that has defeated victoriously upon Roman cavalry the forces of darkness a Saviour of all men’s souls not wishing any of his little ones to perish but to come to repentance and for all to weep in anguish sorrow and humility for him when he comes on the Clouds of heaven after the many disasters will cause immense fear upon the earth and all men shall eventually believe upon him and confess him as Lord and Saviour of Heaven eventually even if there is indeed Wrath and sorrow to come on all men’s souls. Should there be a hell would it temporary? Or should souls be annihilated and destroyed yet not eternally tortured? Death being one sorrow that all men will suffer for their sins yet redemption and Salvations draws near to all. For all are sinners. And all will be given wrath and punishment upon the earth according to what he deserves.
- There is also mentioned of different levels of hell eg. Places of outer darkness not just fire. That God (the Lord Jesus has the keys to Hades etc) can control.
- Saviour of only bridegroom
Everything is sin, is it not? Now even God judges the inward thoughts and feelings! If you have one evil thought you are ALREADY very guilty and in danger of hellfire that is the standard he has very clearly set for there to be rules and doctrines that must be OBEYED AT ALL TIMES. If you are guilty of 1 sin, you are guilty of all! For Christ raises the bar to the highest standard demanding we obey his every command to be Perfect . Yet can we even do it? Be perfect ? I think not quite . But we can be very close to it as we grow in wisdom and be ‘like’ Christ, crucified in the flesh. Similar to him in his righteousness. But we will always struggle to be exactly how he wants us to be we will always be struggling daily against the Forces of Evil that seek to destroy our Souls. Why because we notice this world is very heavily cursed, yet Heaven is the new world with no sorrow suffering or sin. Where he shall wipe all tears away and bind up the wounds of the broken hearted. Will not everyone Love him? Is this what he desires for us to love him forever? Did he not reconcile all of us to bow our knee for ALL men to confess him as Lord and Saviour. Were not all things made for his Glory? Does not even Satan serve a purpose to God? For God is sovereign! Nothing that Satan can do, that God has not allowed! If he is More powerful than Satan! It says in the bible he is the Lord Jesus the Saviour of all men and exceedingly a saviour for believers .
Is Grace enough to save?
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