Since you have studied the scriptures and can clearly see "pre-tribulation rapture", i need your assistance.
Here is my question(s) :
Can you please post the scriptures where the LORD and/or His Apostles declare and instruct us of:
Christ descending to rapture a select group of (any of the following) His Sons/Saints/Bride/Church/Elect BEFORE His Second Coming thereby leaving behind Saints that must go thru great tribulation AND then His Second Coming for the Resurrection and rapture for another group of Saints.
Can you please post the scriptures where the LORD and/or His Apostles declare and instruct us of:
Christ descending to rapture a select group of (any of the following) His Sons/Saints/Bride/Church/Elect BEFORE His Second Coming thereby leaving behind Saints that must go thru great tribulation AND then His Second Coming for the Resurrection and rapture for another group of Saints.
Thank You
"[re: resurrection] but EACH [a word meaning 'of more than two'] in his own ORDER / RANK" (if there remains ONLY ONE at one point in time, as you and others suggest) ?
...and why that verse goes on to further state:
"Christ firstfruit [or, firstfruit Christ--no definite article], and then [i.e. ONLY THEN] they that ARE Christ's at His coming."
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