This is where knowing and understating the OT is needed because Jesus quoted from it and told us to live by it.
The Ten Commandments came in a unit of Ten Exo 34:28 Deut 4:13 and God added no more to them Deut 5:22 written personally by God Exo 31:18 placed inside the ark of the covenant that is in heaven Heb 9:4 Rev 11:19 all Ten Commandment- His version found in Exodus 20. God’s perfect law converting the soul, written by our perfect Savior and its under Christ’s mercy seat as it is what all man will be Judged by James 2:10-12 Mat 5:19-30 Rev 22:14-15 Where mercy meets justice one day soon.
In scripture, there are two major sets of laws - the Ten Commandments placed inside the ark Exo 40:20 written by the finger of God and the law of Moses handwritten by Moses in a book placed outside the ark as a witness against Deut 31:24-26 for breaking what was inside God’s eternal moral law. The law that is perfect never becomes the law that is contrary and against.
Unless you have a good understanding of these two laws, one will never understand NT scripture. Especially Paul because he often just uses law and without a foundation of understanding or allowing the context to explain itself its why his writings come with a very stern warning that people twist as they do other scripture to their own destruction 2 Peter 3:16
In scripture they don’t list out every commandment to know which law they are referring to. For example Paul quoted from the Ten Commandments for the law that defines sin when breaking Rom 7:7 which means them all. Jesus very clearly stated not to break or teach others to break the least of these commandments and in doing so one will be least in heaven Mat 5:19 and least in heaven i.e. is not there v20. He then goes on to say the commandments He is referring to quoting directly from the Ten Commandments which the Sabbath is one of this unit thus saith the Lord Exo 20:6 Exodus 20 breaking one of these we break them all James 2:10-12. So this stern warning includes the Sabbath or any of God’s Ten Commandments. Jesus doesn’t even want us having the thoughts that lead to breaking the commandments, thats how much we should not break them, and in doing so, breaking the least of these commandments one would be in fear of sin and Judgement which we also see in James 2:10-12 Ecc 12:13-14 Rev 22:14-15
He then goes on to say in addition to not breaking any of the Ten Commandments He shows how far of a reach they are by relating divorce to the commandment of adultery. There is not one law that does not have an umbrella under the Ten Commandments, they way Jesus explains in this passage. They are God’s Perfect Standard of Righteousness Psa 119:172 and His righteousness is everlasting Psa 119:142 His Truth Psa 119:151 and perfect converting the soul Psa 19:7. We cannot be converted in Christ by being in rebellion to His law Rom 8:7-8
Your argument is really with a much Greater Authority than I, I am only trying to help, but I don’t think any scripture, even what Jesus in His own Words tells us to live by- will make a difference so I will leave it as I wish you well and hope one day you consider, because when Jesus comes all decisions we make are final and it will be too late Rev 22:11
The Ten Commandments came in a unit of Ten Exo 34:28 Deut 4:13 and God added no more to them Deut 5:22 written personally by God Exo 31:18 placed inside the ark of the covenant that is in heaven Heb 9:4 Rev 11:19 all Ten Commandment- His version found in Exodus 20. God’s perfect law converting the soul, written by our perfect Savior and its under Christ’s mercy seat as it is what all man will be Judged by James 2:10-12 Mat 5:19-30 Rev 22:14-15 Where mercy meets justice one day soon.
In scripture, there are two major sets of laws - the Ten Commandments placed inside the ark Exo 40:20 written by the finger of God and the law of Moses handwritten by Moses in a book placed outside the ark as a witness against Deut 31:24-26 for breaking what was inside God’s eternal moral law. The law that is perfect never becomes the law that is contrary and against.
Unless you have a good understanding of these two laws, one will never understand NT scripture. Especially Paul because he often just uses law and without a foundation of understanding or allowing the context to explain itself its why his writings come with a very stern warning that people twist as they do other scripture to their own destruction 2 Peter 3:16
In scripture they don’t list out every commandment to know which law they are referring to. For example Paul quoted from the Ten Commandments for the law that defines sin when breaking Rom 7:7 which means them all. Jesus very clearly stated not to break or teach others to break the least of these commandments and in doing so one will be least in heaven Mat 5:19 and least in heaven i.e. is not there v20. He then goes on to say the commandments He is referring to quoting directly from the Ten Commandments which the Sabbath is one of this unit thus saith the Lord Exo 20:6 Exodus 20 breaking one of these we break them all James 2:10-12. So this stern warning includes the Sabbath or any of God’s Ten Commandments. Jesus doesn’t even want us having the thoughts that lead to breaking the commandments, thats how much we should not break them, and in doing so, breaking the least of these commandments one would be in fear of sin and Judgement which we also see in James 2:10-12 Ecc 12:13-14 Rev 22:14-15
He then goes on to say in addition to not breaking any of the Ten Commandments He shows how far of a reach they are by relating divorce to the commandment of adultery. There is not one law that does not have an umbrella under the Ten Commandments, they way Jesus explains in this passage. They are God’s Perfect Standard of Righteousness Psa 119:172 and His righteousness is everlasting Psa 119:142 His Truth Psa 119:151 and perfect converting the soul Psa 19:7. We cannot be converted in Christ by being in rebellion to His law Rom 8:7-8
Your argument is really with a much Greater Authority than I, I am only trying to help, but I don’t think any scripture, even what Jesus in His own Words tells us to live by- will make a difference so I will leave it as I wish you well and hope one day you consider, because when Jesus comes all decisions we make are final and it will be too late Rev 22:11
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