I think a more accurate question would be are miracles for today can they still happen for one who has faith? This is an area I myself am trying to grow more in I have always believed in miracles not because I have seen or experienced them but because of what I have come to know of God many fake miracles denying the power of the holy spirit and resorting to pretending but I want the real thing I want to see exactly what faith can do
I have severely damaged eyes and if I could have any miracle it would be to have them healed, my entire faith seems to have revolved around sight I wanted to see with his eyes from the beginning I take into great account about how perception works both in the human mind and how it affects what we see and believe I even seemingly prophesied my own demise saying to a pastor once how if I lost my eye sight it wouldn't matter because it isn't these eyes I want to see through.
Looking back seeing how sight has been a major part of my relationship with him I believe that I lost my eyes so that I would be a testimony of his power and what can happen when one has faith, my eyes will be healed and I will be a testimony i don't know how I know this I just do, but miracles being a requirement for salvation is simply not true because I have never seen one yet when I was saved I felt his spirit inside me and all around me like a combination of life power and fire it is sensation that I never felt and haven't since but when I was saved I fell madly in love with him even to this day my heart aches for him it hungers for him I crave that deeper intimacy with every fiber of my being only one who is saved would know this torture of longing for him so badly only being fed enough to not starve yet be hungry for more
I have severely damaged eyes and if I could have any miracle it would be to have them healed, my entire faith seems to have revolved around sight I wanted to see with his eyes from the beginning I take into great account about how perception works both in the human mind and how it affects what we see and believe I even seemingly prophesied my own demise saying to a pastor once how if I lost my eye sight it wouldn't matter because it isn't these eyes I want to see through.
Looking back seeing how sight has been a major part of my relationship with him I believe that I lost my eyes so that I would be a testimony of his power and what can happen when one has faith, my eyes will be healed and I will be a testimony i don't know how I know this I just do, but miracles being a requirement for salvation is simply not true because I have never seen one yet when I was saved I felt his spirit inside me and all around me like a combination of life power and fire it is sensation that I never felt and haven't since but when I was saved I fell madly in love with him even to this day my heart aches for him it hungers for him I crave that deeper intimacy with every fiber of my being only one who is saved would know this torture of longing for him so badly only being fed enough to not starve yet be hungry for more
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