When we are raptured before the Tribulation begins, we will indeed be standing in the Bema seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10). But its not for deciding whether we are saved or not, because that issue was already settled when you accept Christ during the Grace dispensation. Its for rewards for the things done on earth after you are saved.
Let me put this simply, appearing before Jesus or the Father is the same.
We will all give account. And in the ways of things, being taken is only going to happen
to a few who are alive when Jesus returns. For most of us we will die, and go to be with
the Lord.
When people fear the great white throne, this testifies more to their conscience and their
walk than their knowledge of the love of Christ. The cross is founded on love, and how much
God loves us, if we are willing to follow and accept His terms. A faith with no terms is no
cross at all. The cross exists so that we might humble ourselves, repent, and walk in love,
which changes us and everything we do.
The cross is the remedy to judgement, the statement forgiveness and understanding. But
it is also brutal, to break, to be humble, to surrender, to be open, to be listening and learning.