The difference is:
--in Acts 25:4, the words "
mellein en tachei" are used RIGHT TOGETHER, speaking of the
one person in that sentence (and which can legit be translated: "[he himself] sure to in quickness [to set out]"... conveying the very idea that translating it the other way conveys also.
--in Rev1:1, "
en tachei " is used regarding [
specifically] "
the things which must come to pass [in quickness]" (i.e. the "future" aspects going to be "SHOW[N]" 4:1)... whereas Rev1:
2-3, speaking of
MORE than just the 1:1 "
things which must come to pass in quickness" [which are the "future" aspects of the Book] and to which the phrase "TO
SHOW UNTO" refers (1:1)...
...However, HERE in vv.2-3 uses the word "[For the time]
is near [G1451]"... but "the time is near" REGARDING WHAT??
The text is not "smooshing together" [
like Acts 25:4 does] the ideas of what
1:1 "to
things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" and "
the time is NEAR"
in v.3 (as you are interpreting these to be smooshed-together to be saying).
Note that
the word "mello" used in 1:19 speaks NOT of all of the OTHER things "written" in this book [v.19a & v.19b], but ONLY OF
v.19c "things which are sure to [
mello] take place
being... "the things which thou HAST SEEN... "and the things WHICH ARE [<--which things are
NOT said
of THEM that
they are "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS,
by contrast, like I pointed out to you the other day.

One cannot simply "COMPARE" Acts 25:4's wording "
mellein en tachei" to the present passage under discussion, and expect they are conveying THE SAME THOUGHT... coz many
other WORDS are
ALSO INVOLVED amongst the verses of Rev
1:1 ,
1:3 and 1:
c. It is not conveying that which is being expressed in Acts 25:4 (about
one guy [Subject], "
mellein en tachei")