At a certain point, you have to be left to your human understanding.
I mostly draw the line at things said that might really harm someone. You've run roughshod through these threads in the last week and mostly you appear like a little boy pretending he can read a book while holding it upside down and mimicking adults to pretend he can read.
But when you state that women are not included in the one mediator verse and that a man is their mediator between them and God, it loses the cuteness of a little boy pretending he can read and needs to be dealt with so you can't harm anyone who is guileless but not yet full grown.
You have proven, by your statements on the one mediator verse (there are many proofs, but we'll focus on that one for now), that you should remain silent and learn. But you appear to not want to learn anything beyond your human understanding. So the best we can do is wait until you are ready to learn and carefully watch you so you don't harm anyone, because you are extremely unteachable as it stands.
Or maybe your nastiness is in reference to this verse I passed along to you ...
1 Corinthians 11:3 [SUP]3[/SUP]But I want you to realize that the head of every
man is Christ, and the
head of the
woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
Here God is speaking of His command structure as to who is to be the head of who ... Clearly this is what the Bible says the order is to be ...
Now, God doesn't reference it here in this verse but children are next ... That again is the structure in which God has given, it isn't any structure that I came up with ... Man is clearly above the woman here, however a woman can certainly speak directly unto Christ or God either one if she wishes ... Just as a Private can go and speak to a General if he wishes ... You can skip order and speak to GOD directly anytime you wish ... But that does not change the fact that God has still placed Christ and man ahead of you in His command structure ... Just as a Private can speak directly to a General, but is still subject to the command of his Sergeant ... God spells His order out very clearly in this and other verses ... If this makes a woman like you angry then I suggest you ask God why He designed things the way that He has ... I believe He explains that when discussing Adam and Eve, but you could still ask Him if you wanted to ... However, I don't believe He wants for you to go around griping at men about what He Himself decided ... I think He would instead rather you follow what he said ... But again, you have free will to either respect His word and do as He has said or not ... That is up to you ...