Another CC member once explained the 144,000 and I agree with him.
He said the 144,000 are all the male babies from birth to 2 yrs old that were slaughtered in Bethlehem and surrounding towns by King Herod because he was trying to kill Jesus Christ.
He said the 144,000 are all the male babies from birth to 2 yrs old that were slaughtered in Bethlehem and surrounding towns by King Herod because he was trying to kill Jesus Christ.
--"These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins."
All the male babies that were killed by King Herod because of Jesus Christ are the servants of the Lord on Earth and currently in Heaven… they are the 144,000 in Revelation 7 and 14, in Heaven they are no longer babies.
One reason I reject such a notion, is the "chronology" matter:
Rev1:1 / 1:19c / 4:1, making the point that what is going to be "SHOWn" to John (starting in 4:1) are said to be "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" (and which "things" lead up to His Second Coming to the earth, Rev19); this immediately eliminates any idea that those "things" started in the first century and supposedly unfolded upon the earth over the course of some near-2000 years, as the Historicists have it (and as other viewpoints do as well).
So, this is just two strikes against such an idea... for starters.
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