So you willfully sin.
To refuse to assemble on a regular basis with other believers to study, learn, and praise God is willful disobeying the Word of God.
But it is evident you are not alone.
There are those who teach that sin leads to loss of salvation, yet they refuse to assemble.
There are those who say we must obey the Law and the commands of Jesus, yet refuse to assemble.
There are those who claim to live without sin, yet refuse to assemble.
Some of the most ridiculous excuses have been offered.
I am not surprised by those who admit they sin by not assembling. It is evident in the ridiculous questions that are asked, the foolish answers given, and the unbiblical things they teach.
This is what happens when people isolate themselves from other believers. When the rely on ONLY on their own understanding while never listening and investigating what others believe.
God never intended for us to isolate ourselves and never learn from others.
The truth that Paul spoke of in 2 Timothy 3:5-7 has come to pass. These men seem to be the majority on this forum.
To refuse to assemble on a regular basis with other believers to study, learn, and praise God is willful disobeying the Word of God.
But it is evident you are not alone.
There are those who teach that sin leads to loss of salvation, yet they refuse to assemble.
There are those who say we must obey the Law and the commands of Jesus, yet refuse to assemble.
There are those who claim to live without sin, yet refuse to assemble.
Some of the most ridiculous excuses have been offered.
I am not surprised by those who admit they sin by not assembling. It is evident in the ridiculous questions that are asked, the foolish answers given, and the unbiblical things they teach.
This is what happens when people isolate themselves from other believers. When the rely on ONLY on their own understanding while never listening and investigating what others believe.
God never intended for us to isolate ourselves and never learn from others.
The truth that Paul spoke of in 2 Timothy 3:5-7 has come to pass. These men seem to be the majority on this forum.
It is mentioned that we should not forsake the assembling together but I see no command from God that we absolutely have to assemble. And assemble where? Perhaps one lives in an isolated area, or is sick or confined to being at home. Maybe there isn't a bible believing church that teaches and preaches salvation.
In my own case, my current work schedule prohibits going to church as I work through the week-end. There are a lot of reasons that keep people outside of church. It is certainly not a sin but I do recommend, if possible, to not forsake, as it says in the bible, to assemble together with others. Of course, the others should be like-minded, love God and believe in the bible.
The thing is it's not always possible to assemble and in some circumstances, perhaps unwise to do so just for the sake of going to church.
Sin does not lead to loss of salvation either, but rather refusal to accept the shed blood of Jesus dying on the cross for the remission of sin and the absence of the Holy Spirit living inside your heart to guide you in your repentance. Sin does not lead to loss of salvation, sin leads to death. It says that in the bible somewhere.
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