"God's love is not based on our performance."
This idea sounds good, because Christ is worthy and we are sinners, but there is a flaw here, a fundamental, 100% floor.
Of course it sounds good, it's the Gospel. Christ is worthy and we need One who is worthy to be our Savior. Jesus IS worthy.,we ; are not. 2 Cor.5:21
For He (God) made Him (Jesus Christ) who knew no sin to be sin for us, that WE might become the righteousness of God in HIM (Jesus Christ).
If God could not turn us into His people, holy, pure, righteous, filled with His love and truth, from the heart, there would be no point to God showing His love and heart to us. If there was no response, we would be worthless, only fit to be burnt up.
The response is to "believe" that is what is required. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. We are lost without Jesus. But He made us righteous and worthy IN Him. Amen! Like the song says "I once was lost and now I'm found" Amen.
So our performance or response 100% matters. Not in the way we measure it, but in the way the Lord measures it.
If you are stuck down a well with no way out, ofcourse you are lost forever. When a rope appears to enable you to climb out, you still have to climb, it takes effort. Did you save yourself alone? No. It was a team effort where the provision of being saved had to be provided, but you had to put in the effort. There is not one parable where the believer does not have to respond or do something as a result of provision.
What are you saying Peter?? Jesus did more than make an effort. We were stuck in a world of sin and Jesus came and got us out. We could not get ourselves out. God's provision for us is His Son Jesus. Salvation is NOT a team effort. Jesus did it all ., none of us all of HIM.
There is no stretched limousine that appears and all you have to do is get in and enjoy the champagne. But the health, wealth gospel differs, and this is their picture.
I see no mention of a stretch limousine or champagne in the Bible but I do see Jesus who was willing to die in our place "by His stripes we are healed." He who knew no sin became sin for us., We are not righteous because we do right. We became righteous because of what Jesus did for us at the cross.
The difference between doing things because of rules and doing things because you love from the heart is night and day.
Exactly!!! Jesus fulfilled the law perfectly from the heart. Only His heart is pure. Then He gave us a new heart and we are to follow Him now with the new heart He gave us. He said "My sheep hear My voice and follow Me."
I know many do not know Jesus like this, and think doing things from the heart is romantic nonsense. But to those with ears to hear, this is what Jesus is saying,
speak from your heart.
Not sure you know about what people are thinking here OR saying for that matter (or typing) since you keep mis interpreting what we say. Many here are speaking about the gospel of grace and truth that Jesus died to give us. And you keep accusing us of desiring to ride in limos and drinking champagne.
I don't even drink alcohol and never saw the logic in riding in a limousine.
Nothing earthly "romantic" being a Christian. Our righteousness is not earned, it is freely given by Christ. Paul said "I do not frustrate the grace (unmerited favor) of God; for if righteousness came by the law, then Christ is dead in vain."
Jesus replied: ‘
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
Matt 22:37
No one can do this apart from - Christ in you...the hope of glory. if people depend on their own good works to get them to do the 10 commandments to become righteous, then Jesus died for nothing. That's what in vain means ....for nothing.
For where your treasure is, there
your heart will be also.
Matt 6:21
Blessed are
the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Matt 5:8
This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister
from your heart.
Matt 18:35
Jesus is about the heart, who you are in totality. Anyone who has missed this has missed Jesus.