I am curious you said that Frank means free man. Is Frank your given name or is your screen name self chosen in that it would mean free follower of wisdom. In that you seek the wisdom of the cosmos and when it is complete that the simulation, the construct will end and we all once again join to god. Being we are parts of god but that is hidden because of the constructs? Curious if these are truths that you would hold to or find them as the hidden knowledge and you just one more follower who seeks to enlighten with that truth?
What I am asking is writings such as the Corpus Hermaticum or writings that are influenced by it in your preview of readings? Curious as certain things you have written read to me as you are a seeker of the gnosis, the truth of the knowledge. Just curious as you used the words racism and nationalism as well as others that have me wondering what other writings you have read as you speak of them in a way that they are the constructs that hide the truth. Just curious of your world view and what has influenced it.
My birth name is Francis, which means "a frank", which were named for their freedom.
Sophia is not my birth name, yet it is my familial relation.
I do not think they are hidden at all, they are very clear but most somehow still manage to miss.
The early Church Fathers noted Hermes Trismegistus as an early example of the Christian message, and it is because he is also the embodiment of the Logos for that tradition. He is also considered a companion of Moses or his teacher even by some, I am somewhat familiar with the texts but find nothing particularly revealing in them. I think they are enjoyed because Christianity actively rejects what the Hermits never did.
Gnosis is a translation of the greek for knowledge, just as the latin is science.
For me John 17:20-26 and Ephesians 3:16-19 directly suggest such an approach, but I do not uphold other doctrines where they are contrary... like the early Church I take what is of God from everywhere to better understand him.
The worldview is picked up in places like Galatians 3:28-29 and Ephesians 2:11-22 among other places, while I also use Hebrews 7:1-28 and 2 Corinthians 3:1-18 to hammer home the latter... everything I'm saying is directly asserted in the bible in one way or another... indeed, Galatians 1:8 curses me for being contrary.